Chapter 14: Christina

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Eliot, Nicolette, and Walter were waiting a little ways away from the castle. By the time we got to where they were, dusk was falling and it was freezing cold.

Nicolette, Eliot and I gathered sticks and started a fire in our make shift camp site while Gabe, Oliver and Walter went off to steal blankets and food from a near by house. Gabe had spotted the smoke and immediately wanted to go, Walter agreeing we needed supplys. Oliver was hesitant, glancing over at me, the Phil he was raised as showing. When he saw the goose bumps on my arms, i couldn't stop the goose bumps like i could hold back the shivers, he agreed. I sighed, i didn't need anyone worrying about me. I wanted to go with them but they refused even though everyone knows i am a better fighter than Walter.

Once the fire was started, it did feel nice and it warmed us up immediately.

"Why is it so cold here?" Nicolette wondered out loud, between chattering teeth

"Because this is unclaimed land, neither good, bad nor middle live here." Eliot explained to her, wrapping is arm around her and rubbing her arms with his hands so she could warm up.

"Why aren't any of you guys cold and it is just Christina and me?" She asked him

He grinned at this, but then Oliver stepped out of the trees with a couple blankets. "Because we are men and men don't complain about being cold like you girls" he grinned at me

"Like you would ever here Christina complaining about something" Walter said, stepping into our tiny clearing with more blankets "she only has one weakness" he said grinning at me

"Besides my loyalty and selflessness and knowing-i-can- kick-your-but-ness?" I asked innocently, he wouldn't dare.

"Yep, you know exactly what I'm talking about"his evil grin spreading, he handed Nicolette and Eliot a blanket and then wrapped one around him self. Oliver handed one to me and then turned around to give one to Gabe as he joined us, carry some cans. Everyone sat down, grabbing a can from gabe.

"We were talking about Chrissy having a weakness?"gabe asked as everyone dug in "you know i want to hear that!"

"Don't you dare, Walter" i growled at my brother. Walter had an innocent look in his eyes, but the evil grin gave him away.

"Tickling" he blurted out just as i pounced on him, but i was to late. I stood up glaring at him and went to sit next to Nicolette, who was the only one not laughing. Eliot, Oliver and Gabe were all laughing hystericly, so hard it was almost quiet. I was so mad i almost didn't notice the misevious glance trade by Oliver and Gabe.

"What?" i demanded as the three 'men' composed them selves. I sat there, my arms crossed showing obvious anger.

"Im sorry for laughing" Oliver said biting his lip so no more giggles would escape. I did have to admit he had a cute laugh. I blushed just thinking it, hopefully no one noticed, though he was my boy friend. It felt weird to call him that even in my head

"its just, you are afraid of nothing, can fight anyone but you cant handle being tickled?" Oliver continued

I glared at him in response and he grinned back at me

"Its ok" Nicolette said patting my back "no ones perfect!" She said cheerfully

I smiled at her, thankfully. At least she had my back.

Then in my second of not paying attention, some one tackled me. My training on 'surprise attacks' with Walter kicked in immediately. I elbowed the body, but they pulled me down to the ground. I knew it was one of the boys because no one was helping me. The tried to pin me down by my shoulders and i kicked them in the leg. They let go of my shoulders only to tickle me. I smacked them and kicked them only to find my self numbing from the tickling. I couldn't help my self, a giggle escaped from me only to be followed by as shriek, but they kept tickling me and i kept laughing. I heard everyone else laughing in the back ground, i couldn't let them win. I grabbed the attackers wrist and yanked upwards. The tickling stopped and i was slowly un-numbing. I pushed off the ground, the attacker still on top of me. I threw there body to the ground, only for them to pull me down with them. We landed in a heap on the ground.

"I win" i said looking to see who my attacker was, it was Oliver. I blushed, noticing the position we were in and stood up.

He stood up too, looking at Walter with fake annoyance "i thought you said tickling was her weakness"

"It is" he responded calmly "did you hear her shrieking and laughing? She never shows any emotion when fighting. It also used to make her numb, but i guess shes over that" he shrugged

"We need fire wood" i grumble, still angry at Walter "if anyone attacks me, i will hurt them" i threaten, turning to go into the dark forest surrounding us.

"Wait!" Oliver said "you cant go into the forest alone" he informed me. I raised my eye brows wondering what is alternate motive was.

"A pretty girl like you cant be wandering around the forest alone!" He thought i was pretty? I knew he said it at the hotel but i was sure that was cause i was crying. I rolled my eyes, even though on the inside i wanted to bush. "What? They might accidentally attack you, thinking you cant defend your self and some one is going to have to help them."

I rolled my eyes giving in.

"So why did you really want to come?" I asked as soon as we were out of hearing distance

"What!?" He asked with fake hurt "do i need an excuse to hang out with my girl friend?" He slung his arm around my shoulder

"Yep, my time is very valuable" i inform him

He stopped and i turned to look at him. He leaned close and kissed me. I kissed him back for a second slowly pulling away.

I grinned at him, "as much as i enjoyed that, you had something to tell me"

"Curious thing aren't you?" He smiled back, his smile its self almost distracting me from what i wanted to know.

"Tell me" i glared at him, annoyed that he was trying to distract me

"I think we should tell everyone that we are dating" he informed me nervously

"Okay." I agreed, i didn't understand why it was a big deal. Elliot wouldn't care, Nicolette would be thrilled but i wasn't sure how Walter would react.

"Wait you agree with me?"

"Yep" i replied, a nervous excitement rising in my stomach to find out my friends reactions.

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