wild ~ milax

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     you make my heart shake, bend and break, but I can't turn away....

     Miles rushed to the music room after the last bell, almost knocking over a kid with a tuba. Ten minutes ago, he got a text from Jax asking to meet him in Park's room, and soon. As Miles opened the closed classroom door, Jax stood up from a chair in the front row.

     "Dude, what's up? I literally ran here from Spanish class." Miles said, almost out of breath.

     Jax put his hands in his pockets. "Nothing really. Just that Jenna broke up with me. Like twenty minutes ago."

     Miles didn't know what to say. "Why?"

     Jax sat down on the step on the floor. "That's the thing, I don't know why. She just...she just..."

Jax swallowed his tears, trying not to cry. Jax was always extra emotional when it came to these things, so growing up, he struggled hiding it from his friends.

     Miles sat down slowly next to Jax. "I'm sorry dude. I didn't know you, you know, liked her that much. But I was in the hospital, so what do I know." Miles went silent, realizing his rambling.
     "It's ok, Jax," Miles said softly as he put his arm around him.

     When Jax felt Miles' arm around him, he felt chills. Not really through his spine, like in a creepy way, but more through inside. And he didn't really know why.

     Jax looked over to Miles, who was looking at Jax's hand, which was next to his on the ground. Suddenly Miles' lips were on Jax's. Jax closed his eyes, embracing the kiss. When Miles pulled away, they stared at each other, confused at what had just happened.

     "I have to go," Miles said, as he grabbed his bag and stood up, and left.

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