secret's out: pt. 1 ~ jyrus

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"It's way too loud in here!" Cyrus yelled towards Andi over the blaring music. "I can't even here myself think!"

Andi laughed. "Chill out Cyrus, it's a party. Just have fun!" With that, she danced away to the snack table.

Maybe Andi was right. It was his first time at a real party, and the only interesting thing he's done so far was accidentally pop a balloon that was tied to the doorknob.

Suddenly, he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. "Hey, Cyrus," Jonah said. "Lit party, huh?"

Cyrus shrugged. "Um, I guess." Cyrus must have heard the lie in his voice, because he shook his head. "C'mon," he said as he grabbed Cyrus's wrist and guided him through the crowd, "I know where you can have fun."

When Jonah's hand grabbed his wrist, Cyrus's stomach filled with butterflies. The bubbly feeling suddenly filled with dread. He couldn't deny his feelings for Jonah. But like always, he pushed them towards the back of his mind.

"Time for truth or dare!" Amber announced to the group of teens as Cyrus sat on the couch next to Jonah.

After a few rounds, Cyrus had finally started to calm down a little. Next, it was Jonah's turn to ask someone.

"Cyrus! Truth or dare?" Jonah asked.

Normally, Cyrus would have chosen truth, the safe route. "Dare!" he said, and Jonah sat back, thinking of a good dare. Tonight, Cyrus was feeling bold.

"I dare you too kiss Iris on the lips for ten seconds!" Jonah finally said, and everyone murmured gleefully.

All of the sudden Cyrus felt panicky. He didn't want to kiss Iris, he wanted to kiss Jonah! Erm- he meant he just wasn't comfortable kissing Iris, especially after their awful first, and last, date.

Jonah scooted down to make room for Iris. Everyone started crowding around him, and Cyrus started to feel claustrophobic.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss," everyone started chanting. Cyrus felt nauseous. He had to get out of there.

"Stop! I can't!" Cyrus yelled out as he jumped up and ran towards the back yard. He felt everyone's eyes on him, but he didn't care. He just wanted to disappear.

Cyrus settled on a bench in the yard and sighed. He felt tears forming at the brims of his eyes.

"Cyrus?" He heard someone's voice say. "What are u doing out here. What's wrong?"

Cyrus looked up to see Buffy, a concerned look on her face. "I just completely embarrassed myself in front of...everyone!"

Buffy sat down and wrapped an arm around Cyrus's neck. "Do you mean in front of a certain someone?" Buffy said, nudging Cyrus in the knee.

"Um...kinda...ugh, yes," Cyrus admitted.

Buffy smiled. "Iris! I knew it!"

"It's not Iris!" Cyrus suddenly yelled, but he wish he hadn't.

Buffy looked slightly confused. "Then who? I didn't know you knew any of the other girls in there...wait, is it Andi! Cyrus!"

"It's Jonah!" Cyrus admitted. Shit. Cyrus thought. shitshitshitshit.

"Oh." Buffy said quietly. "Well, it's ok, yeah. Like, you liking a boy. It's cool."

Cyrus felt as if a boulder was lifted from his chest. "Really?" He said quietly. "Thanks Buffy."

The two embraced in a hug, and everything felt like it could actually turn out okay.

"So you have the hots for my boyfriend." A voice suddenly spoke from the silence.

Buffy and Cyrus looked up to see Amber walking out from the darkness of the side of the house.

"Stay away from my boyfriend," Amber warned. "Or everyone will know about your little secret."

Buffy looked as she wanted to punch Amber in the face. Cyrus was speechless.

"See you around, gay boy." Amber smirked, then walked back into the party.

Hey guys I'm alive!! comment what you think will happen next!😏

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