Drunk In Love- Bellamy

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As I sat on the log by the fire where people stood dancing and singing happily, it didn't take long for the spiked coffee to send alcohol rushing into my brain.

I stood up and stumbled a bit, trying to make my way over to Jasper and Monty, to yell at them for putting me in my drunken state.

But as I walked closer, my foot got caught under a root, causing me to trip and fall forward. I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for impact but it never hit.

Instead, I open my eyes to see none other than Bellamy Blake staring back down at me.

"Better watch where you walk, princess. Maybe one day I won't be there to catch you" He tells me, a smirk runs across his handsome face.

Oh god. No. Please don't talk. Don't say it. No. Please don't say it-

"You have an attractive face you know" I blurt out, causing my cheeks to redden at that very moment. My insides feel like jelly as he chuckles.

"Of course I know. You know you have a pretty damn good ass right, Princess?"

I return his smirk and pull back from his arms, turning on my heel and walking towards my tent, making sure to swing my hips as I do so.

I throw my drunken self onto my bed and nuzzle my face into my blankets, knowing what comes next.

Not to my surprise, the flap to my text is lifted and in walks Bellamy, a quite annoyed look replaces the smirk that was there only minutes ago.

And I may be drunk, but as Bellamy stepped closer to me, his eyes filled with lust, causing me to shudder slightly.

"You don't know what you do to me, princess" he whispers in my ear, nibbling it lightly.

A soft moan escapes my lips as he continues to do so. I feel his smirk across his lips as he trails kisses down to my neck.

A louder moan escapes as he presses his lips onto my sweet spot. His hands trail down my sides to my thighs.

Bellamy stands up and looks me in the eyes, causing me to stand with him. I stand in front of him, waiting for whatever is supposed to happen next.

And to my surprise, Bellamy reaches forward and connects his soft, plump lips with mine. I immediately start to kiss him back, running one hand through his curly hair and connecting the other to his jawline, pulling him closer to me.

He picks me up by my thighs and sets me on the bed, climbing on top of me. His hands moves and trail down between my legs as he rubs me through my thin clothing, causing me to moan into the kiss.

Bellamy break to kiss to lift his shirt over his head, exposing his chest. I quickly do the same with my shirt, discarding it and tossing it somewhere on the ground.

Bellamy reconnects our lips and trails his fingers down to my pants, unbuttoning them and pulling them off in one swift movement.

His stands up once more and takes off his pants, leaving him in just his boxers.

His lips instantly find my neck and trail kisses to my breasts and down to my stomach.

"Bellamy" I moan loud enough for him to hear.

But before we can get farther, my tent bursts open and in walks Jasper, ruining our perfect moment.

"Y/n, how did you like the- OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY" he shouts, putting a hand over his eyes.

"Jasper, kinda in the middle of something. You can leave now" I say shooing him out, causing him to leave at once.

I look back up at Bellamy who wears a smirk.

"Where we're we?" He asks just before reconnecting our lips.

Hello my lovelies. So my first imagine. *sighs* and what a great one it was. I kinda want to do a part 2 but maybe not. What do you guys think? And maybe the part 2 will be smut filled? For all you horny ladies out there.

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