Skinny Dipping- Murphy

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Warning: Little bit of smut

As night fell over the camp, everyone rushed to their tents for a good nights sleep. But me? Ha. Nope.

I grabbed a cloth big enough for my body and quietly snuck out of my tent, hoping no one would notice.

Luckily, no one did, and I made my way past the wall and into the dark forest, towards a small creek I discovered days earlier.

Stripping myself of my clothing, leaving myself in my bra and underwear of course, I dove into the frigid water.

On the ARK, there was no swimming. Especially after being stuffed into the Skybox for the dumbest shit. But down here on Earth, I was finally free. Free from a cramped, dull room. Free from rules. Free from bullshit. At least most of the time.

As I pondered on these thoughts, I was pulled away from them when I heard footsteps nearby, causing me to duck my head down to where only my eyes and nose were above the water.

As the footstep came nearer, my heart began to speed up.
What if it's a Grounder?

But as the figure came closer and stepped into the light, i both blushed and sighed in relief as to who it was.

"Damn it, Murphy. I thought you were a Grounder"

I rose up so that my legs and chest were still covered but so that my shoulders were above the water.

I watched as he chuckled slightly and came to the edge of the land where I swam to meet him.

"Why are you out here, Dollface? Especially by yourself. You could get hurt" he tells me and takes a seat on the edge.

I smirk slightly to myself and look up at him.

"Please. I'm a big girl. And plus, I'm not alone anymore" I say barely above a whisper before grabbing his arm with both hands and dragging him into the water with me.

I only laugh when a girlish shriek comes from his mouth as he falls into the cold water. And when he emerges l, all I see is a shivering, wet Murphy.

"Oh fuck. You're so dead" he says before grabbing my waist. I squeal and try to pull away but it's no use since he's much stronger than me.

He picks up my half naked body and tosses me in the water a few feet away from where he stands. I collect myself and stand up, exposing my half naked upper half to him.

"Oi. That's not fair. You still have clothes on." I tell him, smirking in his direction.

He returns the smirk and pulls off the damp shirt clinging to his frame. For each article he takes off, he takes a step closer to me until he's both only in his boxers and inches away from me.

My breath hitches in my throat as he steps forward once more, his warm chest pressed up again my own, causing me to look at him in confusion.

He only smiles as me and pulls his hand out of the water holding his boxers, the last article of clothing.

Butterflies make their way into my stomach as he lifts it up and chucks out of of the water, onto the land where the rest of our clothes lay sprawled out.

I look at him amused for only a moment when I reach behind my back and unclasp my bra, discarding it and my panties with the rest of our clothing.

I turn back to Murphy who looks at my naked body up and down before gripping my thighs and slamming our lips together.

His member presses up against my stomach, causing him to slightly groan. I smile into the kiss right before his fingers come in contact with my heat. A moan escapes my lips giving Murphy access to shove his tongue into my mouth and fight for domination with mine, me losing of course.

Murphy picks me up and sets me on his waist, letting my wrap my legs around him. He deepens the kiss as he walks up back to land and sets me on the ground.

His lips make their way down my neck and stomach, to my throbbing heat where he immediately connects with my clit.

I moan loudly as he continues, but before to long, I feel his tongue enter me and slide back out.

His name slips from my lips as he continues so kiss and lick my insides. My stomach tightens as I feel my climax approaching.

But before I can release, Murphy pulls away from me abruptly, causing me to whimper at his actions.

His sits up and looks me dead in the eye, as if asking for permission. I nod slightly in his direction to give it to him. And in one swift movement, he lowers himself into my body, and enters me.

ello loves. So my first almost full smut. yay. I have to admit. Murphy and his hottest have grown on me.

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