First 'i love you'

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Bellamy: Bellamy had said it when Clarke was closing the Dropship before the Mountain Men nabbed you guys. You never had time to say it back but he knew you did. And when you escaped Mount Weather with Clarke and met Bellamy at Camp Jaha, you two were able to say it together.

Finn: When you were fighting off the Gounders, he saved you from being shot by an arrow and he knew he'd better say it now or never.

Jasper: You and Clarke went to meet Anya on the bridge and you asked Bellamy to bring guns. Jasper fired immediately when a Grounder was about to shoot you from the trees. When you were running back, Jasper grabbed your hand and ran with you before stopping to tell you he loved you.

Murphy: You never had really spent anytime with Murphy but you knew you loved each other very much. But you never actually told each other until you were on your way to the City of Light with him and the mines began blowing up.

Lincoln: After Lincoln freed you, Clarke, and Finn from the Grounders, he took you to the Reaper tunnels and offered to stay back to give you guys time. After you told him no multiple times, he kissed you and said he loved you and that he couldn't lose you which was enough to get you moving with the others.

Monty: When Jasper was being a dick to Monty, you comforted him and let him rant about how selfish Jasper was (sorry Goggles <3) and Monty told you he loved you before falling asleep beside you.

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