Is Bellamy Blake actually being sweet?- Bellamy (duh)

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My legs ached as I ran through the woods, Monty, Clarke, Octavia, and Finn trailing behind me.

We were supposed to have Jasper with us, but you know the story. Fricken Grounder assholes.

"Y/n! Wait! Monty tripped!" I hear from behind me.

I stop abruptly and glance behind me to see Octavia helping up Monty, her leg still bleeding from all the running.

Both caught up with the rest of us, leading us to continue our running.

We reached the camp where people rushed around putting up a wall, all under the command of Bellamy Blake.

"Bellamy! Clear everyone!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, causing Bellamy to turn and look at us.

His eyes fell upon my sweaty, panting body causing him to smirk, which immediately fell once he laid eyes on his sister and her tore up leg.

"Everybody move! Now!" He yelled causing everyone to scamper away, giving us room to enter camp.

After I stopped, my hands shot up to my stinging shoulder, a long, deep cut across it from trying to rescue Jasper but falling.

"Octavia! Are you alright?" The tall man asked his sister, worriedly.

"Y/n" someone yelled at me, causing me to look up and see Fox standing there, holding a first aid kit and medical supplies.

I caught the kit which she threw at me,  grabbed the supplies from her hand, and turned on my heel to where Octavia was sitting.

"Move Bellamy" I said shoving his shoulder slightly, causing him to stand up and back away so I could wrap his sisters wounded leg.

I finished wrapping Octavia's wound and wiped around her leg one last time to clean up all the blood before I stood up.

"Y/n, your shoulder" Bellamy said from behind me.

But before I could do anything, my legs gave out and I started falling towards the ground. If not for Bellamy catching my, I would've hit.

"Clarke!" He yelled, picking me up bridal style and carrying me into the Dropship.

Clarke made her way towards us so clean up my shoulder. She wiped away the blood and patched it up with materials found in the Dropship.

I sat up on the bed after she fixed me up just as Bellamy was turning away.

"Bellamy" I said, causing him to turn and look at me, concern flashing though his eyes.
"Thank you..for you know. Catching me"

His lips curve into a small smile replaced by a smirk.

"Your welcome, princess. Thanks know. Patching up my sister" he replies before turning back around and walking off to check on Octavia.

I rest for a few moments before standing up and exiting the Dropship to where Clarke stands talking to Finn.

"Clarke. We have to go get Jasper. He's still alive" I interrupt.

Both turn to look at me

"I know. We're getting people together. You need to stay here." She tells me, taking a step closer and motioning towards my wound.

"Like hell I'm staying here. You need all the people you can get" I argue.

Finn looks at her and nods his head slightly as if he's saying 'she's right'

Clarke groans before agreeing and sending me off to get Bellamy and his gun.

"Bellamy!" I call to him, causing him to turn around.

"Princess. You feeling better?" He smirks at me, causing my stomach to bubble.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Clarke said you had a gun?"

He lifts the side of his shirt exposing the small handgun in the waistline on his pants.

"Good. Come with me" I tell him and turn on my heel , strutting back to where Clarke was standing.

I feel Bellamy trailing behind me as I stop and watch Clarke talk to Monty.

"Why exactly am I coming with you guys?" he asks raising an eyebrow.

"Because we're going to get Jasper back and you have a weapon which we might need"

I feel him stiffen up behind me before he turns around and yells Murphy's name, telling him to come with us.

Murphy groans but shuffles over to Bellamys side as I approach Clarke.

"Ok. let's go. We need to find Jasper." She says and leads us out of camp.

Before too long, both Bellamy and Murphy complain about our wristbands still being on. Not that I have a family that needs to know I'm alive, I keep my wristband on anyway, knowing that they'll die up there if they think we're dead.

"Y/n. Go with Bellamy and Murphy. I'm with Finn and Wells" Clarke tells me before disappear and leaving me with the two biggest assholes in camp.

"Princess, you wanna take off your wristband for us?" Murphy asked me, putting his hand on my shoulder and stopping me.

Before I can shove him off, Bellamy steps in between us, basically giving Murphy a death glare.

"One. Never touch her. Two. Only I can call her Princess."

Murphy looks to me and back at Bellamy.

"You got it"

Bellamy grabs my hand and pulls me to his side, keeping me close as we walk.

I open my mouth to thank him, but never get the change due to a shrill scream heard from a little bit away.

"Jasper" I say under my breath before taking off in a sprint, running right past Clarke, Finn, and Wells, ignoring the yelling of my name.

Wait. Yelling my name? Is that..Bellamy?

I ignore his continuous yelling and run through the forest until I come to a clearing, hearing the groups loud footsteps trailing from behind me.

Another groan leaves Jasper's lips causing my lips to part and a gasp to escape. A tree stood high in the middle of the field, Jasper hung from it, groans leaving his mouth.

"Oh my god" I said barley above a whisper, and darted across the field. And you know..I would have made it if it wasn't for that stupid stupid hole.

"Jasp-Fuck" I yelped feeling my body fall. I grabbed onto the side before I fell and clung.

"Y/n!" I heard Bellamy yell as he peered down, grabbed my hand and dragged me up, causing me to cling to his chest.

"You're ok. You're ok. I got you" he said softly into my ear, causing my heart to race more than it already was.

"Is Bellamy Blake actually being sweet?" I asked, chuckling softly.

"Only for you, princess"

It sucks. Ik.

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