You get hurt (physically or emotionally) Murphy

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"At least my dad is alive"

That hurt. That hurt like a bitch.

You had gotten into a fight with Wells and you thought you were winning until he pulled the "dad card"

You stumbled back slightly, a pained looked across your face. Your head had began spinning as you saw what had happened to him six years ago.

You watched him being floated for stealing food for you. You watched him cry out, saying you had no one else to care for you. You watched him mouth "I love you" before being went off into space.

"What the fuck did you just say?" You were pulled from your thoughts as you watched Murphy's fist come in contact with Wells' nose, breaking it instantly.

"Don't you ever fucking talk to her again" he spat before rushing to your side.

He rubbed your back soothingly and whispered sweet nothings into your ear while all your thought melted away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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