Dangerous Lover- John Murphy

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⚠️Sorry for mistakes. Also slight smut warning ⚠️

I loved having my own tent. I could sprawl out over the bed, sleep with no pants, and best of all, there was no one to hide my scars from.

All was good. Until fucking Bellamy Blake has to go and put someone in my tent.

"Your doing what?" I asked again, not believing what I was just told.

"We're having Murphy stay in your tent" he said, flinching slightly as I stepped forward.

"What the fuck, man. First you put someone in my tent when I am..very very happy by myself. And second, you put the biggest dick in the camp?"

A small smirk falls across his lips.

"So im no longer the biggest dick?"

I scoff slightly and turn on my heel.

Son of a...

I walk into my 'soon to be' shared tent and move all my shit to one side of the room.

No way is he touching it. He may be my 'roomie' but he's not touching my shit.

I suddenly jump when I feel two arms wrap around my waist and pull me close.

"Hey, roomie"

I turn around and push him away, turning on my heel and dashing out the door.

"Hey, where ya going? I thought we could talk." He calls after me, causing me to stop and turn around.

"Listen Murphy. I'm not in the mood. I just got thrown into a text with the biggest dick in camp. I need to clear my head"

I watch as he simply smirks and enters the tent once more.
Night fell upon camp and all retreated to their tents, leaving me alone by the fire.

I sighed and got up, walking into my tent, only to find Murphy had not arrived yet.

I relaxed a bit and pulled my shirt off so I could change into my night shirt. But before I could flip my shirt over my head, I felt fingers trailing across my back.

"You have cuts, Darling. How did you get them?" Murphy asked, his eyes burning into my bare back where only my bra stood between us.

"When you were banished, the grounders had their way with me" I said barely above a whisper.

And what happened next I never would've expected. His soft lips came in contact with my bare skin, sending little shivers down my spine.

"I'll never let anyone hurt you again" He whispered against my skin.

I steadied my breath and slipped into my shirt. With my hairbrush in my hand, I exited the tent towards Octavia's.

"He kissed my scars, O" I explained as threw my hair into a ponytail.

"Maybe you should give him a chance, y/n. He seems sweet towards you" she smiled.

I nodded my head at her words.

"Maybe your right"
I re-entered my tent to find Murphy's eyes on mine as he laid in bed. I silently walked to my side and stripped myself of my pants, leaving me in my panties and oversized shirt.

His eyes still on mine, I turned and blew out the candle that stood tall on a nearby tree stump.

"Y/n.." I heard from the darkness, causing me to smile

I turned on my heel, my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw Murphy's eyes trying to find mine.

I silently walked over to the bed and crawled on. I could hear his breath and heartbeat speed up.

With the palm of my hand, I pressed his bare chest and pushed him back against the bed and crawled on top of him, straddling him.

A soft groan escapes his mouth as I trailed my hands down to his, giving them a slight squeeze.

"You made me a promise" I whispered as I pulled my hair from its ponytail, letting it fall around.
"I hope you're still willing to keep it. Because I don't want anyone else having you"

And with that, I lowered my head and my lips found his. They were soft but rough.  His hand snaked up to my thighs, squeezing them as he kissed me.

I pulled back, causing him to growl. My hands held onto my thin sleep shirt as a pulled it over my head, leaving me and in my black bra and panties.

"Hot damn, baby" he said, reconnecting our lips. His hands trailed up and down my sides, causing me to moan.

He took this time to slip his tongue into my mouth and explore every corner with it.

"Murphy" I moaned, pulling away as he rubbed me through my thin panties.

He grabbed my waist and rolled over, placing me on the bottom. Him lips found mine again but soon left as he started trailing down kisses.

Small moans escapes my lips as he bit and sucked on sensitive parts. His kisses trailed down to my throbbing, wet heat.

His hooked his fingers around the hem of my panties and pulled them down to my ankles before tossing them on the ground.

"P-please. I need you" I whimpered as he swiped a digit along my slit.

And before I could even moan, his lips attacked my clit, sending much and pleasure through my body.

His name slipped from my lips as he ate me clean, sucking on my fragile insides.

A knot clenched in my stomach as i felt myself near my climax.

And only seconds later, I released with a loud moan.

But that didn't stop Murphy, who continued sending his tongue in and out of my heat.

My moans gradually got louder as he continued eating me clean. He did this until I begged him to stop, the pleasure becoming too much.

He lifted his head and smirked at me through a glistening chin.

"I hope you're not to tired Babydoll, cuz I'm no where near full"

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