Chapter 1

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Ray's POV

I knocked on the window on the second floor of my next door neighbor. No response. I kept knocking.

"What's going on? Why is there knocking?" The voice from the inside could be heard. The window was opened by a girl of 15 or 16. "Who are you and what are you doing?"

"I live next door."

"Next door?" She paused for a moment. "The so called genius my mom was talking about?"

"Geniuses are quite common. There's nothing special about being one." I told the reclusive.

"But compared to me your-" I cut her off.

"Don't compare yourself to me or anyone. Being a genius is not special but being able to be to be your own individual is."

"Me special? Are you making fun of me? Because I'm a loner? Just like everyone else?"

"No, you are better than those who mock you. At least you don't mask your honesty. Those people may praise me for my achievements only they want to hide what they really feel deep down. They're jealous of a child that can do much more than silly adults."

"If you're so confident, why do you stay locked up in your home like me? Why don't you go outside?"

"I am right now. This is your house, not mine."

"That's not what I meant."

"I know. I was joking."

"I don't think our relationship is close enough for joking around."

"Well, I want to be friends with you."

"Friends? A genius and a reclusive? Are you still joking?"

"I feel that you're someone who could understand me more than the so-called mature adults."

"I don't think this conversation is getting anywhere."

"No, on the contrary you just started to realize that I'm right."

"Fine. Maybe you are, but I never had a friend before."

"Didn't you use to go to school before becoming home-schooled? Shouldn't you have friends during that time?"

"Friends? Those people were never my friends, they were just bullies looking for their next victim."

"I wasn't wrong, you are the one person who could understand me the most and I, you."

She smiles shyly.

"I guess now we're friends. So next friend, don't come in through the 2nd floor window."

"There was a reason why I did, so don't question it. Bye." I climbed down the big oak tree and went back to my room.

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