Chapter 4

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Prince's POV

"Well, well. Who do we have here? Your highness, Prince Ray." The Prime Minister Aeron sneered at my name like it was the most foul of trash. "I'm glad see that you decided to return to the capital. You still have a use to me, so stay here and be a good boy."

He left me in the dungeon. It became quiet. Long after, the silence was deafening. I felt as if I slowly became mad in this solitary prison.

Someone appeared. Out thin air, a whole being appeared. This person share the likeness of my own face and so I can only assume the being to be a boy. He lied there motionless for hours until slowly his eyes slowly open.

"Have you awaken?"

The boy looked around, confusion shadowed the person's face. One look at me, he was surprised.

"Who are you?" He asked me.

"I should be the one asking that question?"

"Well, it's seems that I'm in a odd situation."

"So, stranger would you care to share your name?"

"Of course. I am Ray. Ray Adams."

"How interesting, not only do we share the same appearance but as well as our names. I am also Ray. Ray Arthur the third."

"Would you mind telling me exactly where I am?" Confusion still present on his features.

"Unfortunately, I can only tell you that this is a dungeon somewhere in the capital city."

"Capital city? Of what country?"

"Of Felberta."

"Felberta? This isn't America?" He stood shocked.

"America? I've never heard of such a place."

Now I am the one confused.

"Nevermind me, why are you in there?" He pointed at my person.

"Why? I'm not too sure. I was attacked by some bandits and somehow I ended up in here. So if you would be ever so kind, use that key hanging on the wall over there"- I pointed to the right- "to open the lock?"

"If I had to be honest, I don't trust you. But since you're only one I can rely on in this situation, I'll help you."

"Wonderful, so if you would op-"

"On a few conditions."

I sighed.

"Yes, of course. What are they?" Gold? Jewels? A title?

"If I help you escape, then you will have to answer my questions."

"Is that all?" Strange thing to request.

"And provide a place for me to stay."

"Consider it done."

"Wait, how would I know that you're not lying?"

The other Ray keeps delaying. I need to get the key and escape before the guards come. I take a ring off and I give to the other Ray.

"That is extremely precious to me. Without it my identity is lost, so I ask of you, please get the key and open this lock."


Taking my ring, he goes to get the key and returns quickly.

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