Chapter 7

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A month passed and that woman still hasn't appeared yet. It's strange. Maybe she found another guy to live off of. I have a weird feeling today. I'm not sure what, but something is going to happen.

Something did happen. I went to sleep only to wake up in a lavish bedroom. The door was locked and the prince was there fast asleep.

"Wake up." I lightly tapped his face until he opened his eyes.

"Ray? Is that you?" He looked confused.

"Yes. What's going on and why are you here?"     

"The last thing I remember was that I was attacked by someone while in town."

Why is he always getting attacked. Doesn't he had a guard or something?

"From what you had told me last time, it was probably someone hired by that High Noble you mentioned."

I look around, there was a crest on the headboard of the bed.

"A purple crest with a wolf, right?" I pointed at the polished cherry wood board.

"Yes, that's correct. By the way, why did you disappear last time? I woke up and you were gone."

"It's a long story, but right now I think we should focus on escaping."


"Honestly, you should tell me who this High Noble is. I need to understand how much power he has. What's his position or whatever you call it?"

"He's the current Prime Minister." I looked at this imbecile.

"You didn't learn anything from the month that I was away." I stated plainly.

"A month? You were gone for half a year."

"I was? Never mind that."

I don't understand the relation of the flow of time in this place to mine. I inspect the room, looking for an escape route. "The doors are locked from the outside and the windows are also barred."

"Do you have a plan to escape?"

"I checked the bars on the windows, and their not very strong. If I could find something to help me bend them a bit, we could leave."

He went to check the height down to the ground.

"It's a bit far to go out through the windows, isn't it?"

Did he get worse? His idiocy has increased from before.

"We can use the curtains and bedsheet as rope." I explained.

"I see." He nodded.

We searched the room for anything useful. The chair legs were made of sturdy wood. I hope it'll be enough to bend the bars a bit. As we were trying to make our escape, the door was unlocked and in came a girl dressed lavishly followed by 2 guys that looked like guards. She was the spitting image of that woman, but a younger version.

"What are you doing, your highness?" Her words sounded as if they were laced with a sweet poison. "Oh, there are two of you? I didn't that you had a twin, Prince Ray."

"I'm not his twin."

"Then, perhaps you're his body double?"

"No." I glared at her.

"A bit rude for a double but your face is exactly the same! What joy for me!"

"Well your face resembles someone I rather not see."

"How dare you! I am the most beautiful girl in the capital, nevertheless the whole country." Conceited just like her. "And that is why I am the most suitable to be the next Queen."

"You're joking. You? A queen?" I scuffed at her.

"Ray, stop provoking her. Who knows what she might do to us" He whispered.


"What an awful companion you have there, your highness, but how did he ever get in here? I made sure that no one was to enter without my permission."

"I have my ways." It's not total lie.

"Oh, look at the time. We'll be late."

"Late for what?" The idiot prince asked.

"Our wedding of course!"

"She's crazy." I said quietly to Ray.

"You're telling me, I only met her once before, yet she seemed perfectly sane then."

"Wait, ask her to let you meet the Prime Minister."

"You have a plan?"

I nodded.

"Lady Nargis, would you mind if I had a talk with your father, Lord Sein?"

"Papa?" She laughed like a mad dog. "I'm afraid papa isn't available at the moment."

"Why is that?" He asked in a careful voice.

"Why, he's locked up his room. He is slowly dying from the poison I placed in his medicine."

I see.I understand now. She was the mastermind behind this all.

"What kind of person was the Prime Minister before all this?" I whispered to Ray.

"He was generous man. He tried doing what was best for the country."

"Then, did you ever wonder why he suddenly changed?"

"No,  I thought that power went to his head and he became greedy. He was Prime Minister for some years now"

I really to smack him across the face for not telling me something so important.

"I'll explain this to you in simple terms. He had nothing to do with all that has happened to you and your family. It was his crazy daughter."

"But I clearly saw him in the dungeon."

"She could have hired a double to trick you."

"What you two whispering about over there? There shall be no secrets between us, my dear prince."

I shuddered at her voice. It was identical to that woman's.

"What did you do for her to fall in love with you?"

"Nothing, I just simply helped her up when she fell. It was what anyone would have done."

"Well, clearly you aren't just anyone to her."

"Now, we must get ready for the wedding. Guards get that rude double away from my darling."

"On the count of 3 run towards the door." They came closer. "3, 2 ,1, run!" We ran passed the haughty girl and dashed through the hall

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