A surprise

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Chapter one:
Kara woke up feeling sick, which she remembered, didn't happened since she drunk that alien alchool and had a hangover, so she though something was wrong, and before Lena woke, she head over to the D.E.O, and ask Alex if she could do a checkup on her.
After a few tests, her sister looked at her shooked.
"Er, kara"
"You... well, you are pregnant"
"She was shooked too, she didn't though that was possible."
"ho-how?" She looked confused at Alex
"Don't ask me, I don't know what you and Lena have been doing, and honestly i would rather not know, but, well, I'm gonna be an aunt."
Kara didn't belived, how was that even possible? She was terrified, and before she said anything Alex interrupted her "well, I guess you are gonna have to tell that to your girlfriend, congrats btw." She said laughing.
Kara figure that would be easier to explain if Lena see it herself, and Alex agreed, so she called her sleepy girlfriend to the D.E.O and asked Alex to stay with her, cause she was terrified and surprised.
"Hey babe, I'm here, what's up?"
She didn't knew what to say, so she stared Alex.
"well Luthor, turns out that, well, Kara and you are gonna be moms."
Lena couldn't believe what she heard, then she turned to Alex.
"Ho... How?"
"I don't know Luthor, I don't know exactly how kryptonian pregnancy works. Guess u two are gonna have to figure that out." After that, she left the room, and left kara and Lena alone.
"What, what are we gonna do? I mean, I'm, I'm Supergirl, I can't just disappear for almost a year. Oh, Lee, you want the kid right?"Kara looked at Lena with confused and scared eyes.
"Off course babe, I mean, it's our kid."
"So, what should we do now? I don't lose my powers but Supergirl can't fly pregnant along with pregnant kara Danvers. Oh, and kryptonian babies born in 8 months. "
"I'm gonna call Alex, wait here honey."
Once Luthor was back with Alex, the three of then had a plan to figure.
"Well, I do have that beach house away from here, we could go live there for the year, j'onn and James could handle aliens and human trouble on national city while Supergirl is away."
"that's a good idea, but I guess me and Eliza could go with you guys, I mean, kara will need special care."
"sure Alex, if you need you can take Maggie too, I mean, she is your fianceé, I don't think you two can stay that long apart."
Alex blushed and suddenly realized that her alien sister was gonna have an half alien baby with a Luthor, quite ironic.
After they figured things out, the three of then went tell j'onn and Elisa the news.
"WHAT!"J'onn welled and started laughing
"what have u done to my kid, Luthor?"
The couple blushed and Elisa hugged them.
After everything settled, Lena called Jess, the only other person she trusted, to organize the house for then.

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