The one that i want

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Both girls wake up crying in the midnight.
"its your turn Kara"
"c'mon babe, I may have to fly around anytime"
"yeah, but you also doesn't have to sleep as much as humans."
Lena smiled, and kara went to the nursery, which now was seted for twins.
"Hey tiny one, mama's here, calm down."
Kara started talking in a sweet baby voice, not realising that Lena could hear it through the baby cam.
As soon as she fed and changed both babies, Rosie quickly fell sleep, but Lara still refused to sleep.
"You are stubborn aren't you?"
So she start singing a sweet lullabie.
"Goodnight my angel, now it's time to dream
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Someday your child may cry, and if you sing this lullaby
Then in your heart there will always be a part of me"
As soon as she finished the song, Lara slept in her arms, and she put her kid in the crib again.
"so, i didn't know you could sing". Lena teased her as they cuddle.
"Well, I was in glee club at highschool."
"What? That's new, now I wanna hear you singing more often babe"
"Let's see about that. Kara answered and kissed Lena."
Next day, as Lena made the bracelets quickly with Alex and Winn's help, James offered then a newborn photoshoot for the babies, as Lena insisted in a Supergirl themed.
"You are cheesy Lee"
"But you love me, my hero" Lena whispered to Kara.
As the girls started to get fusy the couple changed them.
Hours later, photos done, James promised to deliver then in a few days later, leaving the new family alone.
"So Ms.Danvers, I didn't forget the singing darling"
"Later babe, later, these two need bottles" Kara giggled looking at the two little girls.
After feeding and putting them in the cribs, Lena suggested then to watch a movie, since the two weren't tired.
"What do you wanna watch?"
"Let's watch Grease."
" Lena Luthor wanting to watch a musical?" Kara teased her girlfriend
"Oh yeah, guilty pleasures darling."
As the songs started to play, Kara started sing quietly, until Lena noticed her singing You Are The One That I Want.
They suddenly started singing and performing together, as both surprisely knew all the lyrics". as the movie ended they started laughing.
"you never stop surpring me Lee."
"Oh yeah?"

Finally an update! Sorry i suck on this and it's not my best chapter,but i tried guys, thanks for still reading and supporting.
leave likes and comments if you would like, i appreciate it a lot.

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