The Proposal- Part 2

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Kara was still surprised, she had no idea Lena was gonna propose, since she was planning on doing it so in a few weeks.

"Yes, Lena, thousand times yes," she couldn't hide her excitement as her, now fianceé,picked her up as they shared a passionate kiss.

"So... Alex and Maggie have the twins for the night ... That's not the only surprise I have planned for you..." Lena said smirking.

The younger Danvers could not have wished for a better life, she was gonna marry the love of her life, the mother of her children.
They slow danced as Lena sang their song.

Meanwhile, at Alex and Maggie's apartment

"Since your sister is gonna have a fun night with her fianceé, why don't we bake the girls some cookies? They're half kryptonian, I think they're old enough to try it."

"Awn look at you, Defective Dimples,such a caring aunt" Alex teased her.

"And please let's never talk about my sister's love life again" she said as Maggie giggled.

Lara woke up hungry, screaming for food, the kid, with the luthor inteligence, was starting to learn how to talk, as her twin sister would still just babble.

"Al, food, auntie"

"Auntie Maggie is finishing the cookies, if you wait you can have one, do you want a cookie?"

The little one nodded excited, making Alex remember of a younger Kara.

Authors note: Thanks everyone for waiting for the update, I know it's short but it's all I could do, I can't find motivation to write this fic but I do it for you guys, also thanks for all the votes and comments, although I don't reply all of them I read and love them all, they're very appreciative and make my day.
Also, if anyone wants to be a co-author and help me write this fic, message me here or on tumbrl (lesbiankarstein) and we'll talk about it.
~ Lulu, the author.

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