The Morning

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Lara suddenly start crying a lot, and Alex was getting crazy, how could such tiny human be so loud? Happily, Maggie came back with two big bottles, and as soon as they feed the girls, Lara calmed down and smiled.
-wow, you really is my sisters kid. Alex said looking down, and then seeing a look in Maggie's eyes while she was playing with Rosie. Damn, Maggie Sawyer got soft, and wanted a kid too and that made alex silently freak out.
She never though that her wife would want a kid, well, to be fair, she also never though that her sister was gonna get Lena's twins.
Before she could say anything, Maggie quickly kissed her, and they both just kept watching their nieces "play" with a Supergirl plushie and a pink teddy bear.
As soon as the girls came back to sleep, they also fell asleep in the armchair in the girls room.
Kara and Lena wake up in the middle of the night to check their daughters and found not just 2 sleeping babies, but also Kara's sister sleeping with her wife in her lap.
"own, Lee, that's just adorable, if they are like this the girls were work," she said, laughing quietly
"yes babe, well, your mom take care of Lara and Rosie yesterday so i could take care of you, and today your sister and sister in law, well, we're gonna have quite a work next week, since they all need to go back to national city."
"Oh Rao, we better be prepared."
Maggie woke up and saw the couple happily talking and watching sleeping babies
"Oh, hello happy couple. Maggie said, as getting up, leaving Alex sleeping in the armchair."
"Maggie, I hope we didn't wake you."
"No, blond Danvers, I sleep a lot, why are you guys awake though? The girls are sleeping."
"I know, we just couldn't resist checking on then."
"Did they made you two tired? Look at Alex face."Lena said laughing.
"Oh, just a little, like your girlfriend, your daughter stoped crying as soon as she saw food."
Lena started laughing, and kara went get her sister a blanket from the closet.
"So Lena, how are you feeling with all this? "
"I'm really happy actually, the girls are quite work,and I never imagined myself as a mother, but if seens that everything fits perfectly, I mean, look at kara, I never saw her happier too." As soon as she finished the sentence, kara came back with the blanked, and since it was almost morning, Kara went to the kitchen to cook everyone breakfast, as Lena changed the now awake and screaming babies.
"Hey dear, you woke up." Maggie smiled 
"Good morning Sawyer, oh good morning Lena, need any help?"
"No, it's fine, go get ready, Kara's making breakfast."
As soon as kara saw her wife holding two babies, she went and took Lara in her arms. Suddenly, Lena complained, Rosie hold her hand way too strong.
"Oh god, kara, dear, I thing the girls got your powers as well."
"Rao! Alex, is there any chance the girls develop powers same as mine?"
"Yes, it may take longer, but as they got your kryptonian DNA, they will develop powers soon."
"Seen's like someone 's hungry though."
"I can tell. "
And they feed the girls and enjoyed the nice breakfast.

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