After the Adventure...

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*This chapter takes place after the movie.*

I stayed with the Peculiars for a few months after that. When Jake came into the picture, Miss Pregrine, or Pearly as I know call her, let me leave the house and explore the world. But even after I left, I kept track of my family until the action died down. Then on the day they left England, I made myself known and Emma eagerly welcomed me back.

I stood quietly on the deck of the ship, sadly looking  at the stars. Pearly, where are you? My thoughts were as gloomy as my mood.

"Rosetta, you have a vistor." I turned to see Jake, but the person beside him made me smile. "Pearly!" I ran happily into her arms. Jake smiled and left us alone.

"So you're back with the children." She said, holding my hand as she rested her head on mine. "And here I'll stay. As long as you promise to stay with me." She laughed lightly, turning my head so I was looking into her eyes. "I always will, my black rose." With a litle laugh, I placed a kiss lightly on her cheek and sighed, turning my head towards the stars.

The End

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