Bowser Koopa Jr.

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"I'm Junior, and I'm the youngest, but that doesn't mean I don't pack a punch!"

And here we debut the headcanons, starting with the youngest of Bowser's kids, coincidentally the child that the king named after himself, Bowser Jr! 

He's small, but he's clever! (And devious!) He wants to grow up to be just like his father, who has a soft spot in his heart for his youngest offspring.

How old are you?

"I'm 10."

What is your favorite thing to do?

"Paint! I even almost beat Mario by painting once!"

Who is your favorite sibling, and why?

"Morton! He can be annoying, but he knows a lot of cool stuff and we do all kids of fun things together!"

Who is your least favorite sibling, and why?

"...Uh, I dunno... probably Roy because he tries to beat me up. Ludwig or King Dad always have to make him stop picking on me, which is embarrassing, so..."

What is your favorite food?

"It's gotta be cookies!"

What is your favorite color? 

"Red! Y'know, really bright red."

What environment do you have your kingdom in?

"Well, I don't really have a kingdom. That time just me and King Dad took over the mushroom kingdom, I just used my siblings' kingdoms."

When did you come closest to defeating Mario?

"Probably that time I got him put in jail, painted the whole Delfino Island with graffiti and took Peach."

Okay everyone, that's all for now! Goodbye! 

"But I barely even did anyth-"


"I hate you."

I don't care! You have no control over me!

"Oh, Papaaa-mmrmph!"

(Sweatdrop) Bye guys!

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