Morton "Big Mouth" Koopa Jr.

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"I'm Morton Koopa Jr.! But my brothers and sister sometimes call me Big Mouth! Why, you may ask? Well, I talk a lot! I also have the entire Koopapedia Dictionary memorized! Page 578, section B, description 9- Darklandian Clowns are an evil, sneaky- hey, speaking of sneaky- MMMMPPPHHHH!" "Shaddup Big Mouth!"

Here's our third headcanon, dedicated to Morton, who is famous for talking... and talking... and talking... He's named after his grandfather, Morton Koopa I. Bowser also wanted to name him this because of one of his favorite tv show hosts, Morton Downey Jr., so it was a win-win!

Anyway, he's much smarter than you might think, having memorized an entire set of encyclopedias! He's very large and a bit tubby, and has three prominent black hairs on his head.

How old are you? 

"I'm 11, but older than Larry! People say that we're the same age, but I'm much older! I-

New rule- It is okay to interrupt Morton to start the next question, seeing as our readers won't want to be here all day... 

"WHAT?! No fair! This is horrible! You are evil! I can't stand you! Why would you-"

What is you favorite thing to do?

(Grumbling about rules) "Talk, obviously, but then there's reading! Ooh, I love to read! And I hang out with Jr.! He's cool because he listens to me when he paints, and sometimes I help him do that too! We also-" 

We get the idea... -_-

Who is your favorite sibling, and why?

"Well, like I just said, I stay with Jr. a lot! He's my favorite for sure, but then I guess Roy... I know he's mean, and I don't like that, but  he's so strong and cool... I kinda want to be like that."

Who is your least favorite sibling, and why?

"Ooh, I hate doing this! It makes me feel mean... I guess if I have to pick one it's probably Wendy... No, Iggy- yeah, I'm gonna go with Wendy. She's rude and irritating and she whines all the time. Then probably Iggy because he's always trying to use us as test experiments..."(Shudders)

What is your favorite food?

"I love fried foods! IloveitIloveitIloveit! I like breakfast food like pancakes and bacon and-"

What is your favorite color?

"Well, I really like dark colors... maybe grey or brown."

What environment do you have your kingdom in?

"The mountains! I like them because they're grey, they're calm, they're cool!"

When did you come closest to defeating Mario?

"Oh, I've never been too much of a problem for those stupid bros., but if I had to choose a time, it would probably be when I battled him for the Big Red Paint Star in Crimson Tower."

Well, looks like it's time for us to get out of here! Bye guys!

"Bye! See ya later! Bon voyage! Ta ta! Auf Wiedersehen! Au revoir! Cést-MMPPHH!"

(The other Koopalings tackle Morton)


Why me? 

See ya later nonetheless! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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