Chapter 3

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"Savy bear, my darling. How have you been?" Leo says as he sees me. He walks into the shop, dramatic as ever, rushes over to me and do two air kisses, barely brushing my cheek.

As you've probably gathered, Leo is gay.

"I'm fine Lee, thanks for about you?" I reply desperately trying to get the conversation of the subject of me well-being.

"Oh everything going amazing. I've got a new boyfriend, his name is Jake and its getting serious, our relationship, I mean. I can't wait for you to meet him, he is soooooooo good in be-.. what's wrong Savy darling? Who hurt you baby panda?"

I sniff pathetically, I'm pathetic.

"Nothing, I'm just overwhelmed and stressed!"

"Sam again?"

I nod my head defeated.

"After work, we are going for a drink at a bar, okay sweetie?"

" last job, finishes 6:30pm,"

He nods smiling, "Well look at the time, seems I'm going to have to be on my way,"

And this whole conversation was in a bakery, over a counter with bored workers and the few customers intently listening in.


I feel dead on my feet. I've been working all day and my feet are killing me, all because of the black heels I was forced to wear.

I walk into the bar, looking for Lee. I see him and he beckons me over.  He gets the bartender to pour me a drink even though I ask for water. I swap the drink for some water.
"How's work been, baby panda?" He asks sweetly.

"It's been fine Leo," I say tiredly.

"Lets cut to the chase. You're going to tell e-mail what's wrong and I'm going to try fix it with my amazing ninja skills. Okay, Savy bear?"

I simply nod. I would have to tell him sooner or later. It's just going to be sooner.


Did you like it? Sorry it's so short. Sorry for updating so late. There is a lot on my plate right now and if it was food I wouldn't mind ;).

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My next update will be Thursday!



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