Chapter 8

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I found this video hilarious and just wanted to share it wt you guys. Share it to the whole world! :)

Caden Walkers POV

"Yes, I'll be there. I'll see you soon then. Bye," I say into the phone before hanging up.
I walk out of my office to my personal assistant.
"Julie! Cancel all my meetings for the rest of the day! I've got lunch with my famiglia," I order.

"Yes sir, anything else, sir," she says seductively. I screw my nose up in disgust. Her face is caked with make-up her skirt not even reaching mid-thigh, her blouse is see through with a few buttons down leaving little to imagine.
She is your typical assistant slut.

I check my watch. I've got 15 minutes until I'm needed. Eh, I'm in need off a quick fuck and she's offering.

I grab her by the wrist and take her to the spare room, locking the door.

I put my pants on, button my shirt and make myself look presentable again. The stench of sex is much noticeable in the room and on my clothes like a perfume or aftershave. Julie lays on the desk in the room, naked, panting hard. She smiles at me from where she lays, running her hands up her body.


"Yeah?" She says attempting to be sexy.

"Your fired,"

And with that I walk out the room and outside where my car waits. My chauffeur opens the door for me and I nod at him, a signal for thanks.

"Where to sir?"

"My parents place Bertrum,"

He nods and starts the engine. I close my eyes wondering why my parents want to talk to me.

"Mamma, papà" I greet at the door.

My mum pulls me into a hug, and me and my father shake hands. We're not on good term at the moment.

He is trying his best to act civil to me in front of mamma. She is incredibly weak due to her sickness but she puts up a strong front. Her illness is slowly eating her up and it pains me to see.

A servant comes and takes my suit jacket, and another leads me to the dining hall where we are eating.

I quickly sat on the chair opposite to my mother as my father sat next to her.

"Why did you invite me to dinner? What is so important that it couldn't wait till Sunday's family gathering?" I say bluntly as the foot is served in front of us. I'm known to be a blunt person and the people who believe that are correct to. I don't sugar coat things. It's a waste of time.

My parents are taken back my words. They didn't expect me to be so blunt. I roll my eyes, I'm their son, they should know me by now.

"Well," my father clears his throat uncomfortably, "we, we have arranged a marriage,"

"For who?" I say curiously.

They don't answer. I look into my mum's eyes. They say it all!

"Che diavolo! You're fucking joking, right?" I seethe.

Again they don't answer. Tears have clogged up in my mother's eye, and she refuses to look me in the eye.

"In a month's time , you will be married to the mayor of New York's daughter, Madeline." My father says, almost remorseful. Almost.

Madeline is a hoe, putting it at least. We've fucked a few times and that's about it. She's as fake as girls at high school and is more spoilt than Barbie herself. She fucking pisses me off with her voice. I shudder at the thoughts. It goes through me. The only reason I had sex with her is because 1, I was drunk; 2, I was horny and we were on a boat with only men in apart from her (slut) and 3, she sneaked into my apartment and I woke up to see her sucking my dick- I didn't want to have blue balls.
Crazy bitch! She probably put herself forward for this shit.

" I refuse to go through with this plan. I am a grown man, I no longer have to listen to you."

"You will or I will take the business of you"my dad replies glaring at me.

"non si può fare questo, è mio di diritto!" I shout standing up angrily. My language is switching from American to Italian. I do that when I'm angry, stressed, happy, sad ect. In shorter terms, I do it all the time.

From the corner of my eye, I see my mum crying.
"We think it's the best for you. You haven't had a decent relationship and at this rate you will never get married and create a heir for the business," my mother says softly, trying to convince me it's a good idea.

I slam my fist against the table.

"The best for me? Marrying the gold-digging bitch is the best for me!" I ask incredulous!

"Non parlare con tua madre in quel modo! Why so disrespectful! " My father boom. We come face to face, noses touching. I have to bend my head a bit as I am taller than him.

How did they expect me to react? I would be totally fine with this and make Madeline my wife?

"Stop!Non lotta!"my mum screams from the side of the table. She begins to cry. My dad instantly moving to her side and tubs soothing circles are found her back.

"Leave!" My father hisses.

"Gladly," I say before storming out.
I'm really pissed of right now. It wasn't right if them to do this! I call my friend.

"Hi, where are you? Do you want to go out to the club tonight?" I say to him. Some pussy and alcohol is what I need.

"I have matters at hand, you dumb fuck. What did I say about calling me?" The man behind the phone grounds out.

"Sadly I don't take orders from you. I really don't care who you are,"

"I will shoot you in the dick, asshole!" The voice says again.
I chuckle. He always has a way to cheer me up.

I sound gay. What am I a fucking girl?

The person I'm talking to is Santiago, the head of the Italian Mafia. He's the fucking boss, the Don. We are good friends and I'm the only one who can talk to him like that without getting a bullet through my eyes.

"Yes or no? Do you want to go to the club with me or not?"

"Whatever. I'm in need of a good drink anyways,"

"I've asked Alfie if he wants to go. He'll be there,"

"Ok. I've got to go now. I've got matters at hand,"

I hang up the phone first as I know that pisses him off. I can guess what his problems are.

I roll my eyes. I'm really in need of a drink.


che diavolo= what the hell

non si può fare questo, è mio di diritto= you can't do that, it is rightflly mine

stop= stop

non lotta= don't fight

non parlare con tua madre in quel modo= don't spak to your mother that way

I'm sorry this chapter is so terrible. And short. I really just wasn't feeling it.
I have decided not to swap POV in chapters as 1, it's confusing and 2, so much harder to right. This whole book will all be in Savi's POV but I may do a second book that is in Caden's.
Sometimes (as a special), I may do Caden or someone else's POV...cos' you know...I'm nice.

I won't be updating as often. Every Friday, there will be an update. The reason I used to update 2-3 times a week 's because I'm on holiday. Like there is no school rn.
But I've got exams and homework, but I do put this book on gold so....

Thanks! Sorry for this shitty chapter and long authors note.
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