Chapter 17

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I didn't realise how stupid this situation was until I was sat waiting in the cafe for him. We're two strangers, who have just decided it would be great to marry each other. I sound fucked up in the head. This kind of stuff only happens in movies or books.

I am taking out of my thoughts by a presence. I look up expecting to see the man I was with only a day ago but instead I see a waiter.

"Ready to order miss," he asks. He is quite cute. The boyish type of cute . If i wasn't as big of a mess I was now, and my life was collected, I would go for a guy like him.

"No, I'm waiting for someone. Thanks!"

He leaves after giving me a charming smile. I've been waiting for ages. He is 40 mins late.
Minutes turn to hours and before I know it, I've been waiting 2 hours. In that time, I had just ordered a caramel coffee mocha and the cute waiter slipped me his number by putting it under the cup on the saucer.

I looked at my phone, feeling humiliated that I was stood up. What did I expect? He would come and then propose again and I'd say yes then we would live happily ever after.
No. Sadly we're in the real world. He didn't even come for his wallet. What a douche. There are several thousands of dollars in here in cash and loads of flashy credit cards. He could easily cancel the cards but the cash...Is he that rich the couple thousand literally means nothing to him?

I look at my phone debating whether or not to call him. I'm embarrassed enough...Without thinking I press the call button. He picks up after the 3rd or 4th ring.

"Hello," his voice is cold and hard.

" Where are you? I've been waiting for a good 2 hours. You said 10 am! It's 12:30"

"Where am I? Where are you? I've been waiting for you!"

"Well I don't see you!"

" Wait, which cafe are you at? "

" Le Cafe, the cafe you said, "

"Well I'm at le cafe so I don't know what you're talking about,"

I quickly put him on hold and call a waitress up.

"Excuse me, but what is this cafe called?"

" Les Cafes. Outside the s's have taken off, "

I thank her and hang my head in shame. I'm an idiot.

I put the phone back to my ear.

"I'm at the wrong cafe! I'm so sorry, I just have wasted your time. I'll be at the right cafe as soon as I can"

" I won't be there. I left a while ago, "

"Then where are you?" Has he decided that he doesn't want to meet? Oh no ! I need this to happen. I need to get married to this stranger. I never thought I'd here myself say that.

"Look up,"

I slowly peered up and there he was in all his glory. He looked so handsome in his Armani suit. His hair in a messy but expertly done way, a small smirk on his lips, his phone to his ear.

I gasp at him and gaps at his beauty. He hangs up but the phone is still at my ear as I sit frozen, staring at the fine specimen of man standing in front of me.

"Cat got your tongue?" He says. I can't tell if he's teasing or not.

"I-i-i" I stutter. Come on! I'm better than this. I'm a great independent women. I am not some weak, stuttering fool.

"No. Just a little shocked at your abrupt arrival," I say, regaining my composure quickly .

He chuckles a little at my answer and shakes his head. I honestly don't see what's so funny. This is serious business.
He sits down on the chair across me. I

"So you want to discuss my proposal?" he says. His voice is so deep and claiming and I just want to melt into it.

I nod, pretending be didn't affect me at all.

" Well, I need a wife. You don't need to know why, but I do need one. And who else better to spend the next couple years of my life with than a stranger, "

He pauses, as if he is assessing me and waiting for me to reply, but I don't utter any words. Next couple years?

"I know what you said. I know that you claimed to be engaged to me and that they asked for proof. So we both need each others help,"

How he knows about my situation, I will never know but right not I don't care. I just need to find a solution stat.

"I messed up, I know. I should have never have said that but it was in the spur of moment and I panicked. I'm sorry for getting you involved ," I apologise.

"Don't apologise. I understand. I'm actually quite happy you said that actually. It makes my job so much easier . You would be mine anyway," he says nonchalantly .

I choke on air. Stupid caveman. Already stating his claim on me as if he owns me. I glare at him sharply and he puts his hand up in surrender but a smirk still rests on his gorgeous face and he doesn't look apologetic at all.

"If you do agree, we will be married for a year. It will be a real wedding, not a fake one and afterwards we will love together and act like a real married couple would,"

"So we just get married?" my voice trails off at the end.

" It is more complex than that. This needs to be believable. We also need too have a contract drawn up as well,"

"A contract? For what?"

He shrugs, "for confidentiality reasons. It will basically say that you can't tell anyone about our arrangement. It will also have some terms,"

"What terms? " I question. My eyes narrow at him slightly. I

"Like you can't have other relationships during our arrangement and such like that," he says it as if it means nothing. As if he isn't handing the next year of his life to a stranger.

I can't believe I'm doing this either. I never imagined i'd do such a thing. I feel awfully like a gold digger, something I never want to be.
What am I doing? Things like this only happen is books.
Was I really ready to do all this for my business, for my reputation.

I am taken out of my thoughts by a snap. I turn to look out the window and to my shock, a crowd of paparazzi stare back at me. The camera click and the flashes hurt my eyes. Caden curses and quickly covers me with his body. He gets up quickly, pulling me up gently and ducks his head. He then proceeds to pull me out the cafe and push past the cameras. The reporters scream questions at us on which we don't answer to any. A car quickly pulls up in front of us and I'm pushed inside.

Well shit. What a clusterfuck.

1193 words

I'm sorry this is a crap chapter but I forgot to update. I will come back to improve it later but this is all I can give you for now.

It's ok length. I know, I know, it could be longer.

I'll update ASAP! Keep active.

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