Sleepless Nights: Part 8

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a/n: Lots of sin in this chapter. Very fluffy though


You woke with a start and jolted up, breathing heavily with a layer of sweat coating your skin. Your chest clenched and your mind swirled in whirlwind of anxiety and panic.

A warm arm fell slack into your lap as Newt shifted around, mumbling sleepily.

"Love," he murmured groggily, "come back to bed. It's late."

You gasped for air as tears began to well in your eyes, silver moonlight glinting off of them.

"Love?" He inquired softly, voice rough and husky with sleep as he slowly rolled over. He rubbed his eyes, yawning quietly as he sat up. He looked to you, eyes widening when saw the tears streaking down your face.

"Oh, sweetheart, another one?" He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to his chest as he placed a loving kiss to the top of your head.

Since you two had gotten together a year ago, you always slept together (literally slept. Nothing more, unfortunately) and while the nightmares happened considerably less often, the occasional one still left you breathless and afraid in the middle of the night.

He combed a hand through your hair, slowly beginning to calm you down.

"Which one was it this time, love?" He pulled away, bringing your eyes to his. He saved the eye contact for you, meeting your eyes a lot more often than with anyone else.

A shuddering sob ripped through you as you trembled under his touch.

"It–It— was th-the— one where every—everyone leaves me. Wh-where you— you don't w-want me," you cried between gasps for breath. Through blurry vision, you could see his expression soften even further, both in concern and sympathy.

"Hey, hey, hey, Y/n, I'm right here. I love you so, so much. We all love you immensely," he whispered to you in a confident, honest voice. "We all want you here. Even Tina."

You and Tina had formed an unlikely friendship after all of it. Newt had forgiven her, though it took a while, after she'd apologized profusely, over and over again. It had taken you longer to forgive, though once you had you couldn't help but get along with her. It helped that, after months and months of searching on her part, she'd given Newt a female Phoenix as another apology. Your precious Eddie could finally have a companion.

"Love, I want you," he continued quietly. "I always want you and I always will."

Your tears were slowly subsiding as he smoothed a hand along the edge of your jaw, his other rubbing reassuringly up and down your bicep. You shivered again, albeit for a different reason.

He leaned forward, melding his lips to yours in a brief, heart stopping kiss.

"I always want you, love," he repeated, fingers ghosting over your skin. You still had an occasional soft hiccup while you steadied your breathing, though the tears were gone.

"And I always want you. Merlin, I'm so in love with you, Newt," you answered, placing your hand over his, both of your fingertips touching the smooth skin of your cheek.

You felt the familiar feeling surge through you, electrifying every nerve and sending tingles throughout your body.

"I want you, Newt," you mumbled, dropping your gaze as a blush burned your cheeks. "Tonight. Pl-please."

He froze for a second, his body tensing as he held his breath.

"T-t-tonight? Are y-you sure?"

Sleepless Nights🌙 Newt ScamanderWhere stories live. Discover now