Sleepless Nights: Part 1

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Sweating and panting frantically from night terrors, you forced your eyes open. You could see Newt fast asleep across from you in the dimly lit room. Through your heavy breathing, you could hear his gentle breathing and occasional soft snore fill the room.

You were immediately incredibly grateful that the gentle man across from you was here, keeping you from being alone, and even more thankful that he'd given you the opportunity to join him on his adventure. It had allowed you to travel the world, meet a variety of different amazing creatures, and, of course, spend even more time with him.

You'd been best friends with him since Hogwarts and although communication had been sparse and irregular since he'd been expelled, you'd still kept it up. As soon as he'd gotten the offer from Augustus Worme, however, communication between the two of you had taken off. Eventually you decided to meet and catch up. You were so excited for him and when he sprung the idea of you coming with him, you'd been overjoyed.

Overtime, you'd become his unofficial nurse and occasional assistant, healing him every time he got hurt and organizing his papers. You had your hands full as he was constantly putting himself in harms way for his creatures, which always had you frantic with concern and anxiety.

Because of this, you were adept at healing, though he put your skills to the test every once in awhile. He'd nearly gotten himself killed so many times and it was always scared the bloody hell out of you. Your feelings served to only make the worry fiercer. All he cared about was the safety of his creatures, which while you admired this, you didn't like the fact that he would frequently blow off wounds because of it.

Admittedly, your feelings played a big role in your actions; often times, you would force him to stay in bed while you nursed him back to health and tended to his creatures. He would moan and complain about his beasts missing their mummy, but you always shut him down with the argument that maybe if he hadn't been so reckless, they wouldn't have to miss him.

The thought that if he had been even a smidge more reckless, they wouldn't have a mum to miss was always lingering in the back of your mind and if he would continue to try to sneak off to see them, you would remind him. More often than not, the idea had you near tears and emotional, which Newt always caught on to. After that, he would grudgingly oblige, taking the time to work on his manuscript instead.

These injuries and shared adventures inevitably brought you even closer together, creating a strong and marvelous friendship. Years and years of friendship meant you were incredibly comfortable with each other, both physically and mentally, which was one of the reasons you considered crawling into bed with him, if only to quell the anxiety.

Tremors continued to rock your body, the terror of loneliness and dreadful panic from the nightmare still lingering. You watched the steady rise and fall of his chest, the repetitive motion calming you slightly, though it might have just been because it was Newt. You gazed at the constellations of freckles covering his skin, the auburn hair unruly and delightfully messy, his deliciously full lips curled into a soft smile. It was a gentle smile filled with affection, one usually reserved for when he was distracted by his beasts. He was absolutely beautiful.

He could never be yours.

The feelings kept bubbling up, turning painful as a sharp ache went through your heart when you thought of Tina.


The incredibly gorgeous women with creamy skin and obsidian locks who had captured Mr. Scamander's attention.

You'd always held a slight resentment towards the oldest Goldstein sister. Not because she held Newt's affections, Merlin no. You weren't nearly that petty and besides, you'd survived Leta LeStrange, you could survive Tina Goldstein.

Sleepless Nights🌙 Newt ScamanderWhere stories live. Discover now