Sleepless Nights: Part 2

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For the remainder of the day, Newt avoided talking to you, or even looking at you. He spent the day out with Tina, doing Merlin knows what. Queenie knew exactly how hard this was for you and was always directing sympathy-filled looks towards you which you absolutely despised.

He'd completely avoided conversation with you for the rest of breakfast and as soon as it was over, he and Tina were out the door. You'd been unusually quiet, only picking at the food.

It deeply concerned Queenie, the way you were so absolutely sure that you weren't good enough for him, that you needed to get over him, and the low buzz of panic and anxiety that was constantly in the back of your mind. It pained her that she couldn't say or do anything, couldn't help without messing with the outcome. How desperately she wanted you two together. She just wanted it to be natural, not forced or obligatory; she hated being on the sidelines like this, but she had no other choice.

You, however, had no idea about the worry you were causing her, you weren't even aware of the thoughts still thrashing around in your mind. You'd forced them away, not wanting to think of that at the moment. Instead you thought about your beloved creatures and manuscript. Even as you set aside your dishes and made your way to the battered brown case, you thought about what needed to be done with the beasts today.

It was a distraction for yourself, a welcome and needed one, though it was also something that needed to be done.

You climbed in, shutting it firmly behind you and began to prepare food for everyone, losing yourself in the task. It was hard work sometimes, transporting all that food and making it, especially for the larger ones, but nonetheless it was work you loved.

Enjoying every enclosure and giving a special hello to all of them, you made your way to the old Thunderbirds enclosure, smiling at the new occupant. A young, almost baby-ish Phoenix had replaced the loved storm bird.

You, personally, had been the one responsible for the rescue of this lovely creature. He'd been held in increasingly dreadful conditions, on the verge of death when you'd been able to finally release him. You could tell he was grateful by his kind actions that were marvelously unique. He was incredibly valuable to you, not only for his fantastic healing capabilities, but for his kindness and gentleness towards you. He was also one of the few beasts who had not tried to immediately maim and kill you. It was entirely surprising because of his previous conditions, but behaviour you adored nonetheless.

After a few soft strokes against the sleek red and orange feathers, you felt infinitely calmer. You gave the protective beast a kiss between his eyes and moved on the main enclosure, the one that held Pickett, Niffler, the Occamies, and the Demiguise.

You were well aware that you weren't supposed to pick favorites, but you felt as if these ones, along with your beloved Phoenix, were some of the ones you got along best with. It wasn't so much as favorites as it was that they liked you so very much. And honestly, you knew Newt had his favorites too, however slight they might've been.

Still lost in your thoughts, you absentmindedly began feeding them, petting the silver Demiguise as you passed him by. Once you finished feeding, you spent your time organizing files and fixing up Newt's desk, recalling the small banter you two had sometimes over it.

He would always, always insist that he knew where everything was in that dreadful mess, even if he had to search for a good half hour to find it. You'd always laugh and say, "At least now you won't have to search in the general area because everything is in a specific spot." He would give you a grin, chuckling slightly in return.

It was incredible to hear him laugh, considering how often he didn't do it. When he did, it was something to treasure and by Merlin's beard if you didn't love each and every time.

Sleepless Nights🌙 Newt ScamanderWhere stories live. Discover now