I made it to school on time to hear the first bell! I hurriedly stuffed the muffin bag in my locker along with the rest of my belongings before heading to my first period class. Having already gotten my class schedule via email , our school  would send emails to all students before the start of a new semester informing them of their lessons to avoid confusion on the first day .
The hallway was packed as usual so I squeezed my way in holding  my history textbook tightly like my life clung on to it .. of course I did the books left me a dent in my pocket and  I had to work extra hard during the summer  while everyone  else  enjoyed themselves.
Finally I stepped  into the classroom right as the final bell rang . I couldn't  wait to get out of there .

My morning  went on as usual. All the A.P classes I took were tough but luckily I have a photographic memory, thanks to the genes I will not mention whose side.

Alas! The lunch bell  rang. I made a quick visit to my locker, grabbed the muffin and some books I needed to spend the hour in the library  studying.

We weren't allowed to eat in the library so I had chosen the best spot. Far away from the librarian. At the very end of the bookshelves where I spent most of my free time reading .
As usual once I got into the familiar surrounding, I relaxed. It felt safe... all the books ,the scent of paper and a little dust was heavenly and soothing . With a smile on my face, I headed to my spot. Much to my surprise, it immediately  dropped when I saw a boy ;head slightly tipped towards the window , eyes closed and fast asleep giving occasional soft snores in my spot!

I stood there dumbfounded. Who is this guy? And why the hell is he here? I poundered over whether I should stay or go . I couldn't go anywhere else all the spots screamed of a death trap. The librarian . My final decision was made when my stomach grumbled . That was it . My mind, more like my stomach, was made up.

I slipped into the opposite seat next to the window and opened  my books . It was not long before I zoned out hooked onto the math problem I was solving while taking small bites of my muffin to give it a lasting effect on my growling stomach . It should last me the day . Besides, the cafeteria  food was way too damaging for my wallet . I would just wait for a good meal from my personal favourite, Riley in the evening . It was always something to look forward to . The only time I got to spend with her .

"Are you planning  to eat that all day? " A husky and slightly grouchy voice brought  me out of my little reverie . I looked up from the book surprised. A pair of blue eyes were staring at me with a slightly  annoyed expression .

"Um... " I was struck . No one has attempted to talk to me unless it's necessary not a guy anyway . My eyes shot to the muffin that I had been eating for the past half hour. Suddenly, something snapped in me...why should he be annoyed? He was the one who took my spot and I was kind enough to let him sleep . I was not planning to say anything but my mouth betrayed me.
"Why should it bother you? You were clearly sound asleep when I came. Go back to doing that or you can go now and get your own ." What was with me ?

"Easy there .. I was just asking.  I woke up to your humming  and that blueberry muffin is clearly from Sweet Pie . " he said holding a smirk .
How did he know that ? Oh God please do not tell me he goes there .. come to think of it that group of guys I escaped this morning...

"You work there don't you?"
He said cutting  my chain of thought and proving my point. I was taken aback. My mind went on panic mode. No way ... it can't be ..I made sure I was inconspicuous at all times..

" Say... can I have some? I'm starved and lunch break is almost over." The guy continued completely unaware of my inside terror and panic. It was as if fate was being unusually considerate to me because right then, the bell rang saving me from further humiliation.

My appetite gone, my nerves and my interstines flipping, I handed him the half muffin, grabbed my books quickly and rushed out of the library. Far away from him.

Been editing here and there. I feel like these first chapters need some little tweaks here and there.
Please do not feel shy about pointing out mistakes especially punctuation or any other.
It will mean alot  😘


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