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We drove to the Sea View Elementary School, not far away from the Highschool, to  pick Seth up . It was an awkward five minute drive with nothing to talk about and the radio blaring out a cheesy pop song . When the car pulled at the parking lot I quickly got out taking in a deep calming breath. Phew!...

The place was familiar to me since I learnt there and so did Jake (no surprise there). I followed Jake into the huge lounge room where kids normally sit and wait for their rides on chilly days , good thing that  day it was a bit hot so tge park was a nice place to go. There were a couple of kids remaining two in particular caught my attention. One was Seth ofcourse and the other was a big blue eyed boy . Eyes hidden behind a pair of giant round glasses. Together with a scar and you get Harry Potter. I chuckled at my inside fan joke.
The boy looked at me , head tilted sideways as if trying to figure something out . He looked even more confused when Seth screamed my name and ran to me .

The little dark haired boy had dropped the box of crayons he was holding and rushed to embrace me. I knelt down to his level and scooped him up as he secured his legs on my hips . " Katey you came!" Seth exclaimed happily .
Aw the kid was honestly so adorable. I could feel Jake's gaze on us. He was probably annoyed at how we ignored his presence. I turned to smirk at him, thinking this was my time,only to find him gazing fondly at us with a vague expression on his face. Before I could conclude further, Seth bombarded me with questions .
"So did you get my message from daddy? Did you like it? I used my best colors !I even asked Daddy  to give you a kiss. Did he ?" Seth asked slurping the 's', titling his head questioningly towards his Dad.
Kiss? What kiss? I looked at Jake curiously and slightly baffled at the idea of Jake and kiss in the same line. I searched for an answer in Jake's eyes only to find him flushed and a bit  embarrassed.  He scratched the back of his neck nervously frantically looking around the room for an escape route. Luckily he spotted the glasses kid and strode to him pretending that nothing happened.
"Alec ma boy... long time no see." He  addressed the now startled kid who had his full attention on Seth and I .

I looked back at Seth who was confused. I tried laughing it off to save Daddy's butt( and mine obviously )
"Ofcourse I got your message and My you have great talent! You should teach me too."
Seth beamed proudly at the complement . I added a kiss on his cheek which caused him to smile even more broadly if that was even possible showing off his cute dimples.
"And that's from me to you. I love you too my little ray of sunshine. " I said smiling as  broadly as him that my muscles twitched in pain . I just couldn't stop. I felt so happy and warm inside whenever I was around the kid. I placed him down gently and took out a piece of candy from my pocket handing it to him.

"You got this for me? Thank you..." Seth trailed off smacking his lips on my cheek before finally noticing his dad as he showed his candy off.
"I see, now you notice me. " Jake commented hand on his chest pretending to be hurt. I rolled my eyes at how melodramatic he could get when it came to Seth. Clearly the son was used to him . He giggled at his dad's childishness and together they packed Seth's once forgotten crayons arguing about something I wasn't paying attention to.

I turned to Alec who had his stuff in his bag apparently waiting for Seth."So... what's your name? " I asked wanting to create a friendly conversation with the kid . He looked up at me eyes wide and his glasses illuminated the effect but no response came only a continuous deepening of his cheeks into a pink colour. Aww another adorable one .

Nevertheless, Seth took it upon himself to make the introductions. Clearly it was not going very well." He's a little shy. His name is Alec, he is my best friend and also my daddy's cousin so he is my uncle. How cool is that!" Seth said excitedly. "Alec this is my Katey ." He concludes as I melt inwardly when he said 'my'.

"My Katey? I told you... I got competition with my own son. Okay guys we gotta be going if we wanna get to the park. " Jake chimed in mumbling the first part to no one in particular. At the same time, Alec told Seth." I told you don't call me uncle.  You're making me look old now she probably thinks I'm wired." I laughed quietly with Jake at Alec's attempt to say  'weird'.

When Alec finally spoke to me, we were already cramped in the car and how I wish he hadn't. I had turned back to check if they had their seatbelts on and was adjusting Seth's when...
"So are you like Seth's new mom? Because that would be awesome!" Alec spoke finally comfortable of my presence. Jake who was backing out of the parking lot suddenly jerked forward, he too had not expected it. I was about to snatch the opportunity to shift the air in the car and lecture Jake on his driving with kids on board when Seth's comment caused me to slide back into my seat quietly flushed and flustered.
"No.. not yet but I hope it happens soon. Katey is the best and she makes the best cookies ever." Seth spiced up the tension that was already suffocating up front.
Not yet? What was that supposed to mean? Oh my poor heart at this rate.. this could be my last days of existance. I looked at Jake to see his eyes trained on the tarmac ahead, knuckles white and his ears were turning dangerously into a deep shade of red.

Glad I was not the only one flustered and uncomfortable about the kid's discussion, I too chose to keep quiet and go with the flow . Secretly hoping that the park was near by...

"Really? Are they the ones you brought last week ? ... Awesome ...I'm jealous. " Alec remarked.
God the conversation was continuing... kill me now!!
"Yep! I love aunty Millicent's mac'n'cheese. It's the best. I can't say I'll make any promises once I taste Katey's. Dad always has to add veges in his food. I mean who does that? ." Seth exclaimed.

This definately got Jake's attention . It was one thing to complement other's food but no way will he stand for his being criticized. The rest of the ride consisted of arguing about food . I was glad that the topic changed and the tension reduced. We stopped for ice cream and finally the park. Where we all spent our childhood.

Hey cherries🍒
Sorry for the late update I've  been really sick 🤒 ...
But 😅 I'm  back baby....
More updates coming soon.
This time, Kake are gonna spend some time actually knowing each other and we get a scoop on Jake's life.


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