Tapping her foot impatiently on the wooden floor, Riley narrowed her eyes at me. "So?..." she began, trying to block me from passing through.

"Can we do this tomorrow? I promise to tell you everything, please?" I groaned lazily pushing myself past her into the bedroom.
I could hear her slippers patter dangerously behind me.

"No! I'm not going to fall for that again... You still haven't told me what happened to my stuffed bear Booboo. You said you would look for it the next day and you dodged the question..."

"Alright, alright I get it. I'm sorry I tried to wash the bear for you in that battered machine but... let's say Booboo bear didn't make it."

Oops. I should not have said that...

Riley's left eye was twitching and that screamed abort mission find cover immediately may-day ..

"You what!!!.." Riley screamed before pausing, closing her eyes, she took several deep breathes trying to calm herself. If I wasn't the one in trouble, I would have been rolling around the floor gasping for breath. That was how hilarious she looked.

"Well... let's not dwell in the past. Everything happens for a reason right?... Right?... Okay now that we settled Booboo bear business, tell me where the hell you have been... and why were you driven home by such a... a hot guy who happens to like you and why..."I couldn't let Riley finish her outburst. It had a bit of corrections.

"Wait... what? He doesn't like me!" I corrected.
"Aha! But you think he is hot. Gottcha! Now spill!" It had been a trap and she set it really well.
Oh dear God please give me the strength and patience to get through her soon to come squeals...

Several eardrum splitting squeals later, Riley and I were cuddled up in bed as I narrated my 'Oh so fascinating story with Master Annoying ' to my little sister. I could already see her fanatic hopeless romantic wheels scheming. Booboo bear was long forgotten, that was the only upside of the situation because I had a feeling Riley had taken our barely friends relationship to an even higher notch which I did not want to think about...

Lies lies... you can't lie to yourself my devious nosy conscious commented.

"So, that's why someone has been distracted these couple of weeks. I'm still hurt though..." Riley came to the rescue before I battled with snobby concious. Or did she?
"I know I'm sorry about Booboo..." I began before Riley interrupted.

"That is not what I am talking about and do not dare remind me about it! I am willing to let it slip ... for now." Riley spoke her voice sharp and decisive. I gulped nervously moving a little further away from her.

"Then what are you hurt about?" I asked honestly unaware of what she was talking about.
"Ugh! For a sister who sets her academic bar so high for me to reach, you sure are dumb when it comes to matters of the heart and feelings..."

"I'm sorry, what are we talking about?" I interrupted her completely clueless but curious as to what a thirteen year old had to say about as she puts it, matters of the heart and feelings. At that moment I wanted nothing but to burst into laughter but seeing how serious Riley was, I knew I shouldn't even stretch a muscle or it's death by Riley.

"See, this is exactly what I was saying. You know, you and Jake have a little chemistry involved. I mean you had dinner at his relatives, you came home in a pretty blue dress, something that I've been forcing you to wear since forever and you show up with one ... and, shuh! I'm not done yet he drives you home! Oh don't think I did not witness the intenseeeee yeah emphasis on the intenseee goodbye you two had. I was peeking through that window." She pointed at the bedroom window which had an awesome view of the front yard. Her voice was giddy and excited for reasons I did not want to know about.

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