"Kate? Kate wake up! Wake up! You're going to be late for school. No! We are going to be late if you don't get up now..." I heard the slightly irritated morning Riley from a distance. I could feel someone shaking me vigorously. Sitting up as quickly as I could master in that groggy state, a sharp pinch pierced through my head.

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes hoping it would get rid of the exhaustion I felt.
"It's six thirty. The bus will be here in half an hour! Kate what's with you? You look pale."Riley babbled placing the back of her hand on my throbbing temple. She gasped, "Oh my God! You're burning up! It's like you're boiling..." then came another gasp, "could it be you have a fever? That explains the sneezing.."

Swatting her hand away, I threw my sheets aside and head to the bathroom. Riley was still shouting behind me about going for a check up or something.

"Riley I'm fine, see? I'm walking straight." I said closing the bathroom door gently and leaning onto it. It was like talk of the devil because once I opened my eyes, my vision was blury, the floor wasn't stable enough. Ugh! Why me?

Retrieving a measuring thermometer from.the bathroom cabinet, I placed it in my underarm before lazily brushing my teeth as it measured.

You guessed it... ninety nine degrees fahrenheit! This was bad...  Chucking some painkillers in my mouth, I sneaked back to the room for my bedside water bottle. Thankfully Riley was downstairs preparing a quick breakfast. The painkillers should help me out through the day... I thought.

After ten minutes of a quick shower, dressing up in thick black leggings, a blue turtleneck sweater and gathering my hair into a loose ponytail, I staggered out of the room. All the while, Riley was preparing an, omelette sandwich.

"So? Did you check your temperature? How high is it?..." Riley bombarded me with questions as I entered the kitchen.

"I just took some painkillers, they'll work me through the day." I answered not ready to tell her the actual temperature.

"Fine, but promise me you'll get yourself checked up in school. Alright?" Riley sighed finally letting it go. "Oh and one more thing, keep your lousy mood in check. The last time you had a fever it was a disaster...."

"Alright, I will please don't remind me of the horror!" I shivered at the memory of throwing stones at my neighbour for not controlling Poochy their dog from barking at me. It'll never look at me the same way...

"Here's your breakfast, and some ginger tea. Drink! " Riley shoved the mug infront of me. "It's mom's specialty ... drink!"

Giving in to her concerened bullying, we gobbled our breakfast right there before heading out to school. I dropped Riley by the bus stop on time before making my way to school hoping that the long apology text I sent to Mr. Smith would do the trick to the old man's heart. My day was about to get real...

First period; History was the class I chose to become a back bencher. To be honest that was one of the rare times one would see me there. I was normally up front no matter how boring the class was. However, trying not to be conspicuous with the occasional sniffing and sneezing, I made myself comfortable with the second last seat at the furthest corner, something I shouldn't have done anyway...

Five minutes passed smoothly as the first bell rang and the students filed in, Mr.Willows our middle-aged surprisingly good-looking history teacher stood up and called out the roll call. He was about to write the main topic of the day, when trouble came in...

"Mr. Cliffrode, Mr. Anderson I'm glad to see you late again for class. What's the excuse this time? " Mr. Willows said still facing the board. He was good-looking but he did not take punctuality lightly.

The class' attention was drawn to the two handsomely annoying boys at the door. Their nicknames were the Prince Charming and Romeo. I'll leave you to guess who is who. At that moment though they looked like Alec and Seth caught throwing broccoli under the table by you-know-who. I snickered at the refrence. Out of no where, Brian brandished a note and handed it to Mr. Willows.

Mr. Willows read the note silently , raised his eyebrow at it then to the boys before saying, "Take a seat."

Both looking happy with themselves they exchanged smirks before approaching the back, more  like towards me. That's when I realized I was sitting between the last empty seats in the classroom. Why!!!!

I bowed my head down and tried to avoid eye contact with any of the two. I was certainly not in a good mood that morning and my head refused to stop pounding.

It was around halfway through the lesson when I saw a note that was passed to me from my left. Too surprised to remember who I was avoiding, I looked up to the passer only to realize it was Brian. His eyes widened in recognition.

"Kate?" He whispered clearly surprised as to   why I'd  been sitting there. Not ready to answer anything, I looked at the note that had Jake's name on it. I obediently passed it forward and focused on the lesson.

A few seconds passed before another note was passed to me this time from the right. I looked at Jake with a murderous expression.  I got another surprised glance and a, "Muffin?" Ugh! These boys were clearly set to annoy me.

Choosing to ignore both of them, I shoved Jake's note to Brian, took in a deep breath and returned to Mr. Willows.

They did not get the message that was as  clear as a cloudless summer sky.

I got little pieces of paper passed from both sides. Could it get more annoying? Still, I opened them;

Are you feeling okay? You don't look so good - Brian.

Hey! What's up. You weren't there at the Sweet Pie Inn this morning. Is everything okay? - Jake

If it were not for my lousy mood, I would have been sweet about it. However, this was what they both got;

Mind your own business. I'M FINE!!!

Shoving the notes back, I made sure I gave them a death glare hoping they would stop.  I had forgotten their heads were filled with nothing but air because it wasn't long before I received two notes.

Struggling not to blow up, I ignored them. That didn't stop them from poking my sides to get me to answer them. That was the end of the line....

"I said I'm fine!" My voice echoed in the classroom. Mr. Willows had stopped teaching and turned to look at me along with everyone else.

Oops! Sneeze, this was not part of the inconspicuous plan, sneeze!

"Ms. Watson, are you really?" Mr. Willows addressed the now embarrassed sneezing Kate.
"Huh?" I asked acting innocent.

"Are you fine? You clearly stated that.  Although you don't look well to me. I suggest a visit to the nurse..."

"I'm fine really... It just came out.."

"Well if that's  the case then you have interrupted my class and I shall see you for detention.."

"No! Come to think of it, maybe I should visit the nurse..." I said this standing up too quickly wanting to rid myself from detention completely forgetting  about how dizzy and unstable I had been feeling.

Ignoring my throbbing head and my dizzy state, I struggled to pack up in the shortest time possible determined not to give Mr. Willows to dent my detention free record.
I was about to walk out when I lost balance and almost kiss the floor when I felt a hand around my waist and another on my shoulder staving me from the future embarassing face plant. I was stubborn and stupid enough to wrestle my way out of their hold before my vision starred, bloached until all went black...
Hi 🤗
Sorry for being late... been workin on BMC
Speaking of, I'd like my reader's advice on the title of this book.
Do you guys think the current title suits the content?😊

I'd really appreciate it if I get your view ...

Love ya


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