Exhausted , my school day ended on a positive  note meaning  nothing else happened that put me in any awkward state .
I called home to inform Riley that I would be home late since I was going for a job interview and honestly I had no idea what I was going to do, so long at it goes by the law then I'm in .

First, I stopped by the nearest store for a cheap snack because I was starving and I needed a little energy to work . This got me thinking about the muffin and whatever happened earlier .I cursed under my breathe for my impulsive actions and for once I appreciated the bell .

Having grabbed a packet of chips I walked to the M and M  building that was not far away. Living in a small town had its perks everywhere is near thus saving me a lot of money that I would have wasted on transport.

The company was called Masters and Mistresses.  It co-operates with apartment buildings  around the town for caretaking , cleaning and doing laundry all as a maids .

I couldn't  help but feel excited about it since it was my first time. I heard of this gig from Jenny a coworker from the Sweet Pie Inn she said the pay was great and that was all that mattered to me . Besides I heard that their customers  were increasing and they required part time workers to help out .

I step into the building  and my eyes meet the awesome view at reception. It was a huge front desk with about three attendants and behind them was a huge sign written "M and M " and below it was " always glad to serve you masters and mistresses"

The company took the maid thing very seriously. On the side, there was a huge portrait of a maid in her ideal uniform the black dress and white lacy appron smiling sweetly at the people . I wondered how I would be able to pull it off .

I stopped by one of  the receptionist  and inquired about  the job interview.  Surprisingly, the lady was kind enough  to direct me. I didn't expect that since I had seen her half whispering and half screaming on phone . That was probably an annoying  person she knew who was nagging her while she was at work . Before I could thank her she excused herself picking another call and that closed our apparent conversation. 

I headed up to the first floor where the interviews were being held .. the other two floors above were for the officials and the company directors .

I knocked on the first door I saw once I stepped out of the elevator and I heard a voice  calling me in . I walked into the room and saw a plump red headed lady dressed in a navy blue suit holding a welcoming smile.

"Please have a seat Miss Watson ? Am I correct? " She said in a rich British accent flowing through  every word .
I nodded in response  too scared to speak and still taking in the situation.  I wasn't sure of myself when it came to such places because I didn't trust myself to speak I might jinx my luck .
" You have been recommended  one of our most dedicated workers for this job . I believe you are still in highschool? " she continued.
" Yes I am ,Miss Molly." I answered, having read her tag hoping I nailed the polite part .

" You have great performance in school and  also work part time jobs . You are one interesting  child . I assume you know how to conduct house chores since you live alone with your sibling ." She began as she looked at my application intently.

"Yes I do ma'am. " I answered nervously.

" Well then since there seems to be nothing wrong here . Which I am very glad to see . I have been dealing with so many shady women not fit for the job all day . You are my highlight of the day young lady . Tell you what I shall give you your first assignment today to see how you will perform. Brilliant . Your pay will be per hour and apartment you clean ."
" If you agree with the terms, please sign here and you shall get into work straight away. Now step into the next room where your measurements  will be taken and you shall get your  maid uniform .Wear it well darling . You are required to be very thorough  in your work and an inspector would be there to check  everything  out .Make sure u treat the customer  with respect and utmost obedience  . Remember they are your master and mistress so do as they tell you to do . Just make sure it is legal. You are to refer to them as master or mistress . Don't worry, all that you do will be recorded  in your pay .
"One other thing before you go do not snoop around  the customer's private things or you shall pay ! Am I clear ? " she finished with  a rather serious  tone than she had begun with . It seemed as if many of the maids could not keep their curiosity  in check . I smiled and gave a little bow to give my maid skills a practice . That seemed to have satisfied her  because she gave me one stern look before smiling  as she did before .

My measurements were taken and a uniform was provided for me. I had to say it was cute but way too girly for me . Nontheless I had no choice . A locker was provided for me to place my belongings  then I went into the company minivan with a couple of some maids and cleaning supplies to the apartments we had been assigned to . Each of us had a specific  one to clean and the payment went to how much we did in the apartment.

This should  be easy and uneventful . I was sure that I would do great in the shortest time possible. Or so I thought ...

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