Our Big Secret

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"Are you serious, Stefan?" He nodded smiling at her surprise. She sight. Was he insane?

"Seriously serious?" She asked again in disbelief. He was supposed to be the rational one.

"Yes, Brooklyn. I told Elena our big secret." He repeated and she plopped her body on the couch beside him.

"Well then, I must be the most normal person living in this house with Damon trying to raise the dead and, you, Stefan, spilling our secrets like juicy gossips about your high school enemies!" Brooklyn yelled in frustration.

"Damon is raising the dead?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah. She is about my height, has your girlfriend's face. You both dated her, and, obviously, did not get over her. Her name starts with a K." She explained getting her annoying mode on. Stefan widened her eyes as the realization hit him.

"Katherine?" He asked standing up.

"The one and only."


Vicki woke up gasping for air looking around. Next to the bed she was lying down on, Jeremy was sitting staring at her. Stefan Salvatore was leaning on the door frame watching her closely. Suddenly she felt sharp pain as she got the ability to her everything.

"Please make it stop!" She yelled in pain making Jeremy jump up.

"What is wrong?" Elena said entering the room alarmed from Vicki's high-pitched scream. 

"Make what stop?" Jeremy yelled desperate at trying to help.

"The voices! Please!" Stefan was extremely calm as the two Gilberts ran around the house trying to help.

"You will get used to it. You just need to listen to me."

Little Sister, Big Problem/ The vampire diaries fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now