Chapter 10: The End is Here!

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3 am.... Rachel, Jason and I were in the middle of nowhere, we were hungry, hurt and cold. I was worried for Jason and Rachel, they seemed to be losing blood...and fast... but they were awake so I felt less worried. After being an hour in that alley I saw a car coming from the street and I decided to stand in front of it. The car stopped and it was a women, she looked like she was in her early 30's. "Miss I'm so sorry to bother you such late at night but my two friends over there need urgent medical care and I was wondering if you could take us..." I told her. She looked at me with an untrustworthy face and I was worried she'd say no, but she didn't. I quickly took Jason and Rachel into the car and she took us to the nearest hospital, "thank you miss I really appreciate it." She left and I took them inside and they were attended pretty quickly, luckily the injuries weren't that serious. Now to the real problem, getting us home. It was 6 am and my parents live in another country, Rachel's parent live on the other side of town and I don't know Jason's parents. I felt defeated... I didn't know what to do... and then I thought of the craziest thing, but it involved me leaving Jason and Rachel here.  Since they were going to be on fluids for a couple of hours I left without telling them. I walked for over and hour and guess where I was.... the abandoned factory... yea I can't believe it either. The reason i'm back at this hell is because they had a spare van I could use to take us home. My issue was the key is in the office Grace was at. The guards seem to have left looking for us but I was almost 100% sure Grace was in there, one because she was in the window and two she is loud as fuck. I walk int through the front door and it was quiet. I sneak around and made noise and ran, I made noise everywhere so she could leave that damn room. After 20 minutes she finally decided to get out, "hello?" she said with a shaky voice. I kind of felt like laughing but I moved quickly and made it inside the room and locked it. I grabbed the keys from van #21 and put it in my pocket. I ran towards the door and opened it and there she was, Grace right in my face. "HEY!" she yelled as she tried to grab me but couldn't. I was running and she closed everything. "fuck...." I thought. She starred at me and she began to laugh. "What are you laughing about?" I asked. "You" she said. I didn't let it affect me and I told her to let me leave. She laughed and said, "Why should I?" I went up to her and she took a gun out, my heart dropped, I could barely breath. "What's wrong Sophia? Cat got your tongue?" I was shaking and she pushed it against my chest, "One more move and you're dead." I was so scared I began to tear up, and she was laughing. The more she laughed the more I felt like killing her, but I was paralyzed. Grace took Rachel's phone from my pocket and broke it into a thousand pieces. I was furious, that's when I finally said, "What have I ever done to you?" She looked at me with an angry face and pressed the gun against my chest harder. "WHAT YOU DID?! YOU BROKE MY RELATIONSHIP AT THE FIRST VOLLEYBALL GAME! THAT'S WHAT YOU DID!" I kind of laughed and she hit me in the face with the gun so hard I passed out. Ten minutes passed by and I had a headache and Grace was in a corner sitting as if she was waiting for me to wake up. I sat up and she stood up so fast I was in shock. She came up to me and grabbed me by my hair and told me, "Your life might end here today..." and threw me back on the floor. I felt kind of dizzy and standing up was a mission, but I did it. I was mad and I couldn't take it anymore, i went running towards her while the world spinned and I tried hitting her but I missed. She punched me in the stomach and I fell straight to the ground. She took her gun out and said, "Bye Bye Sophia..." and I closed my eyes facing that I was going to die. Right before she pulled the trigger I heard a loud bang and then I saw Grace on the floor pinned by a cop. He looked at me and asked if I was okay. I nodded,  and another cop came in. She grabbed me and took me out to the ambulance and took me to the same hospital Jason and Rachel were at. When I arrived Jason was off of medication and Rachel too, but they saw how I was and they hugged me. I was put on medication for the pain right away, and Jason was next to me and he told me he was sorry and that he loved me. Rachel was on the phone with her mom so she could pick us up. I was staring at Jason for a while and I finally realized how in love I was to him... he noticed how I was staring at him and he smiled. "Jason... I love you..."  I said in a shaky voice. He looked at me and didn't say anything, he just leaned in and kissed me. Rachel walked into the room and walked straight out. "I loved you since the day we met." he said. I smiled at him, and Rachel was in the back giving me thumbs up. It was 3 hours later and I could finally leave the hospital and go home, but before I left one of the cops told me Grace was arrested for everything she had done to us. I felt relieved that, she was out of our lives for good. After a long two hour drive we finally got back to our apartment and Jason stayed for a while with us. I had a talk with Rachel through text about something big and she agreed with me so I went for it. "Hey Jason, how would you feel... about moving in with us?" He thought for a  while and finally said yes! This was the best news ever... I was finally in peace and happy. 

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