Chapter Fourteen

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Louis' birthday came in a blink.

It seemed like it was only yesterday when Liam gave him a signed ball by David Bekham which is hung on his wall,Zayn gave him some albums he still listenes to in the car and Niall gave him a watch that broke once but he fixed it again and he wore it nearly everywhere.

Seemed like yesterday when he went to room 17,and Harry hugged him from behind,apologizing for not giving him a gift but instead handing him a piece of art work he did by himself,which meant the world to Louis that he even took it with him on the tour and looked at it whenever he missed Harry too much.

Who knew that this year,it'd be Harry to come to his room,instead of him.

He was in light sleep when he felt someone whispering in his ear.



"My lovely Lou wake up..."

"Wake up sunshine..."

The voice got more clear and the sleep washed away slowly from his system.

"Lou?wake up! Open your pretty blue eyes"oh it was just Harry.

He opened his eyes and found himself staring right at Harry's green eyes.

He was lying on the bed next to him,playing with his hair softly and maybe a little bit too close.

"Finally up"Harry smiled and Louis yawned,smiling back.

"Haz what're you doing here?what's the time?"

"It's nearly 8.guess what day today is?!"Harry asked excitedly and Louis chuckled.

"Nobody forgets their own birthday idiot"

Harry smiled innocently"oops,my bad.HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUIS MY BEAUTIFUL BFF"he suddenly screamed and jumped on Louis,attacking his face with kisses.

"Ew Harry get off of me!"

"NEVER"He pinned Louis' hands down on the bed right on top of his head,making it unable for him to move and continued with the kisses while tickling Louis' tummy.

Louis started laughing hysterically.

"H-Haz stop haha a-are you t-trying to.. haha s-top Harry"Louis said between laughter.

Harry decided to stop the tickle fight.

"This was revenge for that time you did this to me just a few weeks ago!"

"Okay okay learnt my lesson just please stop"Louis said panting for air trying to gain his breath.

Harry didn't make a single move that showed he was planning to get off of him.he just layed there casually,still pinning Louis down on bed.

They stared deep at eachother.Louis tried to swallow but felt a big lump in his throat.

Harry started to lean down,tilting his head to the side slowly.

"Happy birthday boo"he whispered softly before closing his eyes.

Louis did the same and Harry leaned closer.he could feel Harry's hot breath on his lips,so close.

Their lips weren't even an inch apart,Louis could almost taste Harry when the door flew open.

"HEY LOUIS-shit what's going on"

Harry pulled away quickly and sat up.his face turning to a deep shade of red.

"Uh I was...I was just..we were just having a happy birthday...tickle fight"

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