Chapter Eight

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It was a beautiful Tuesday afternoon in November.chilly,but the leaves made such a breath taking sight.

Louis was casually sitting at home in front of telly watching the Big Bang theory with a cuppa in his hands.

"Hey guys,it's been a long time since we've done something together,let's go out tonight.Liam?"

Niall asked with puppy eyes.

"Yeah sure we're free this evening."


Zayn sighed"well I have nothing better to do anyway."he said with a hopeless tone.

"Ehh yes actually you do,you can leave the band"Niall gave him a wide sarcastic smile and Zayn threw a pillow at him.


"Well I was planning to visit Harry but it's not weekend and he's not waiting for me,so why not?"Louis said with a shrug.

"Hey,why don't we all go visit Harry?it's been a while since we saw him"Liam suggested.

"Liam,you saw him last week when you went to pick Louis up"Niall said blankly.

"Yeah that's actually a great idea!and Niall,Harry always tells me he misses you I'm sure he'd be happy to see you"

"Awwww I miss him too!who wouldn't miss the curls?!"Niall smirked.

"Shut up Horan he's mine!"Louis said seriously.

"Okay man,he's all yours just don't murder me please?"

Louis narrowed his eyes and turned around.

"And since everyone asked me,yeah I will come too,as I said I have nothing better to do anyway."Zayn said with sass visible in his voice after a while and Louis gave him a wide innocent smile.

"Erm no Zayn,nobody actually asked you"Liam replied and gave him a smile.

Zayn gave him a death glare and Liam smiled again innocently.


Harry was standing by the window,staring at the beautiful sight out side.he just wished he could go out and eat an ice cream and walk around the city,step on the leaves just to hear that sound.but the nurses said the weather was too cold to go out so he could only imagine that crunchy sound.he hadn't heard it in more than a year,and he missed that.

He heard knocking on his door.

"Come in Eleanor"

The door cracked open but he didn't turn around and He was still facing the window.

"Isn't this beautiful?the leaves?I'd kill just to step on them one more time.I wish I could already go out El,I just wanna go outside I'm so sick of here.the sight is too beautiful and I'm getting crazy!"

He heard footsteps getting closer.

"Well,I'm not Eleanor,but I can assure you you'll be able to go out in no time,and we'll step on the leaves together!"he turned around and was faced by a smiling Louis.

"Lou!what are you doing here?it's not even the weekend yet!"

He asked with a wide grin and wide eyes.

"Well,I had nothing to do anyway!so why not visit my beautiful curly?I also brought 3 surprises they should be here any min-"

But he was cut off by the loud sound of the door banging.

"HARRY!hey man I missed you!"

Niall popped in first.

"Niall!Hii!yeah me too!I just told Louis a few weeks ago to bring you more often!"

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