Chapter Three

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I think this story will be more successful than the last one because the reads are much more and I'm so happy and this chap is just a filler and Harry is 20 in a week and now I'm sad.

And by the way Thank youuuu for the votes I love u xxxxxxxxxx


"And here we have,Zayn,Louis,Niall and Liam,together the famous boyband One Direction!"the host of the live show interduced them and they sat on the coach waving at people Here and there.

"Okay so how are you guys?how's the new album Midnight Memories?I've actually listened to some of the songs and I'm already in love!"the interviewer,Jenna,said exited.

"Oh it's really great,this album was actually a huge success so thanks everyone who bought it,you have no idea how much it means to us"Liam spoke up.

"Louis,I see your name next to most of the songs in this album!how do you feel about being a composer?"

"I was actually really surprised when the boys and other composers said that they liked my lyrics!I'm really happy about it I feel so appreciated!"

Louis said with a laugh.

"Zayn,is it true that there's gonna be a wedding soon?are you and Perrie getting married already?"she said with a smirk.

"Well honestly not yet,we're not planning on a wedding but me and Perrie are currently very happy together"

The interview went on for some more minutes before Jenna asked Louis one more question.

"Oh and Louis,we've been seeing you going to that mental hospital a lot.the same place your friend Eleanor,I guess,is something going on between you and Eleanor?what's the reason behind all these sneakings in to the hospital?"Jenna winked and Louis' eyes widened"oh no,nothing's going on between me and El,we're best friends but that's it all.actually I have found some friends there,so that's why I visit."

"Tell us more about the friends"

Louis smiled"well,I'm friends with most of the nurses by now,but there is also a patient and his name is Harry.he's really a sweet guy and everyone always say that I am the main reason he's getting better everyday.but in my opinion HE helped himself.he's a really strong lad and I'm so proud of him."

Jenna smiled softly"aww that's so cute,how long have you been visiting him?"

"About 2 months now.he is getting better every single day and I visit him every weekend.he's a completely normal person now.I guess it's now adays that they dismiss him"Louis said excitedly.

They were asked some more questions before they said goodbye and headed home.

They were on the way when Niall's phone rang"it's Eleanor"he said surprised and picked up.

"Hey I don't know...yeah he's here,hold on a sec"Niall handed the phone to Louis"she asked for you"he said.

Louis grabbed the phone"hey El"

"Hi Louis,why don't you pick up your phone?"

"Oh it's out of battery,sorry.what's up?"

"Could you come to the hospital Lou?"she said unsure.

Louis suddenly felt worried."why?is Harry alright?what's happening is something wrong?"

"Just...just come Louis.don't worry your self I don't think its that serious but I thought you might help."

"Yeah okay I'll be there in a few"Louis hang up.

"Z,I'm getting off I'm going to the hospital"

"Why?is everything alright?"

Niall asked worried.

"I don't know yet but Eleanor asked me to go"

Zayn stopped the car and Louis got off.

"Becareful Lou"Liam shouted behind him.

"Okay daddy"Louis laughed and ran to get a taxi.

He finally got there after what felt like hours when in reality was only minutes he was running down the corridor when he saw Eleanor.


he tried to catch her attention.

"Louis!Hi.How are you?"

"Enough about me where's Harry?"he asked worried.

"He was crying all day and didn't even talk happened so suddenly I have no idea what happened but I know that something's up.he didn't even take his pills,he always takes his pills!"

"Can I visit him?"

Louis pleaded.

"Yeah. I guess so.let's go"

They got to room 17 in a few seconds.

"I'm not coming in.maybe he would talk to you alone."Louis nodded and opened the door.

Harry was lying on the bed,under his covers crying quietly.Louis' heart broke by that sight.

"Harry?"he asked carefully but Harry didn't even flinch.

"Haz?"he asked again.Haz was the new nickname he came up with for Harry.

Harry didn't make a move again.

"Look at me,please,your scaring me Harry"he touched Harry's shoulder but Harry jumped back.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!YOU'RE NOT EVEN REAL!DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME"he screamed.well at least he had talked for the first time that day.probably a good sign yeah?

"What do you mean I'm not real?!of course I'm real!I'm standing right in front you,why would you say that?!"Louis said confused.

"You're not real,you're just in my head.there is no Louis.I just made you up because I miss him,you don't exist I know it"Harry said with a weak voice while crying.

"I've just been to an interview,tell me what the interviewer asked me."

Harry looked at him blankly.

"Come on!tell me!"

Harry stared at him again"how would I know"he said quietly.

"Exactly!you don't know!that means I'm real doesn't it?you don't know what she asked me but if I was only in your imaginations you would've known!I'm as real as I've always been. Don't you trust me Haz?"

Harry nodded but started sobbing"Louis,I'm going crazy"Tears were rolling down his cheeks.

Louis shook his head and pulled him in to a hug "no,don't say that you are not!you have just passed the biggest shock that anyone could have in their lives and you're living!most people would end up dead within a few days but here you are,talking to me!you're strong Harry and I appreciate that!"

Harry sniffled but Smiled at Louis.

"Have I ever told you I love you?"He asked.

Louis froze.he had no idea what to do and he wasn't even sure if he heard Harry correctly.

"W-what?"he stuttered.

"I love you,you're the bestest friend any mental boy could ever asked for"he chuckled and Louis came back on earth.

"Oh,I thought...never you too"he smiled but in his heart he couldn't help but feel dissepointed and wish for something a bit more.

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