Chapter 3

144 5 10

EmoKing08 has logged on

TreeStump has logged on

LaneGoon: Rise and shine frens

EmoKing08: my phone just buzzed next to my ass and it's 4am

LaneGoon: I'm a morning person and since you're up could you help me wake everyone and spam?

EmoKing08: do i have anything better 2 do

LaneGoon: Nope, don't think so

EmoKing08: i do

LaneGoon: No you don't

EmoKing08: yes i do

LaneGoon: No you don't

EmoKing08: eyeliner

EmoKing08: sdjakajossmsna

Lane Goon: dhsdsj

LaneGoon: easaipsc

EmoKing08: hdjdhjsdjs

EmoKing08: sudsodkoskd

LaneGoon: ryusiaosdg

EmoKing08: ajsjaisodj

LaneGoon: dhdksndjs

EmoKing08: qpwoghbsdj

LaneGoon: wqiwkdkd

LaneGoon: shadjskj

TreeStump: Holy smokes! I never knew people could be up this early


Gay_Sardine: Holy shit. Why so early?

AlexaSanGreek: Umm... Goodmorning I guess

LaneGoon: Sleep well?

AlexaSanGreek: Yup just up until some kid called LaneGoon woke me up

LaneGoon: Whatever, I'll let you sleep

AlexaSanGreek: Thanks I honestly feel blessed. Note the sarcasm

ParaYeylah: *Notes sarcasm* Hello humans

BredbinUrine: hey bitch

TreeStump: What did she do to you?

EmoKing08: he's mad

TreeStump: Oh, right

AshleyPutty: Did I miss anything?

BredbinUrine: can u not read m8. the messages are right there and I dont have the time 2 write a whole fucking novel

AshleyPutty: Okay, damn

AndySixxSixxSixx: Man period

LaneGoon: Guys let's play a game to lighten the mood. Everybody will send a picture of themselves and the rest have to comment on it.

AlexaSanGreek: Sounds cool

Gay_Sardine: Lynn you start



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