Chapter 1

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I killed her, why her and not me? or why can't we have both lived? Was that to much to ask? I was the one that lived. I bet if she was the one alive she will be doing a lot better that me at school, and probably a better friend too.This are the thought that go through my mind EVERY single day. But here am I 13 years later still thinking of my unborn twin sister yeah I said it unborn twin sister. As stupid as that sounds I do think I kill her. Even as an unborn baby I was selfish to not let her live by my side inside ours mom belly. I know what you are thinking I most be crazy, but here is the thing I don't care what you think about me. Is a miracle that I'm alive sense when my mom was pregnant she was in a terrible car crash, my mom died that day and no my sister die because of the car crash, She died the morning of the accident, that's the reason why my mom was so sad and not in the right state of mind be driving. In case you wore wandering who is my father, apparently was a one night stand. Mom never told him about us. At least that's is what my social worker told me. Her name is Marissa, she is like a sister to me so I call her rissa. Everybody that knows my story says I should be happy because I lived. But here is the thing how can you be happy knowing you kill your one and only sister and because of that your mom died too. Even is it wasn't my fault that doesn't mean it wont feel like it was.... 

So I should introduce my self a little bit more. My name is Lia Katerina, but I don't like when people call me Katerina so I always introduce myself as Lia. I don't know my last name sense I'm an orphan. I'm 13 years old , an only child and you know the reason to that. My whole life I never had many friends, only one or two. But they always end up meeting new people and I get left behind or as there second choice. I never go out and I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. I go to school do my homework and play the piano and thats about it. I love playing the piano is so calming and relaxing, I'm pretty good at it if I may say so myself. I only leave the house when Marissa comes to se me, she takes my out against my own will. But sense is ones a month I don't put up a big fight.  Sense I'm 13 the odds are I wont get adopted. That means five more years here and I'm out. Don't get me wrong is nice here. But is hard seeing every other child getting adopted by the perfect family and not me. Makes me ask myself why them and not me? But now I have a felling my life is about to change, but do I want it to change?!?! 


This my first fanfic.   please tell me if you like it.  vote and comment.  with the feedback I get I will decide if I keep writhing.

K thanks

Stay Strong <3

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