Chapter 12

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P.O.V. Demi

Walking to Nicks room. Lots of sick people coughing everything you can imagine that sick people do. I don't want to get in to details, but lets just say it was disgusting. The doctor left and told me he was in room 212 and that he may be still asleep but he woud be waking up any second now. I pass room 206, and you know that part in the movies when you are walking in a hospital and it seems like the hallway its getting little every time you pass a room. Well I'm feeling like that right now I guess it could be cos I'm scare of how bad Nick looks.  I look to my left room 211 and to my right some steps forward room 212. I take a deep breath and prepare myself. Walking inside the room I see Nick watching tv like nothing had happen. Like hadn't been in a accident just hours ago or like he doesn't  have a cast up his torso. He saw me and smile I return the smile. I walk up to the bed and took the sit pull it close to the bed. I sit and take his hand.

Demi don't cry. I'm Okay. He said that last part wiggling his eyebrows. That made my giggle a bit, leave it to Nick to make a sad situation funny. I wipe my tears away. Then he starts telling me how it all happen. Apparently he was driving and some motorcycle guy was doing tricks in the middle of the street the guy lost control Nick well he didn't want to ran over  the guy duh! so he try going around it but the street was wet too so that made him lost control.  Next thing he knows he is waking up in a hospital bed with a cast up his torso leaving his arm free. We kept talking and and the conversation  change to where he is going to stay and who was going to take care of him while he had the cast.

The cast in only for a one week and then I just need physical therapy. Before I leave the hospital I should be walking.  Says Nick.

But that doesn't mean you'll be 100%  recovered. I argue.

That's true, I can hire someone to make me food and stuff. 

Hell no you are staying at my house. I say quite loud.

Not  offence Demi but you are not the greatest cook and you wont be there most of the time. He says that and I gasp putting my hand on my chest. He chuckles at my dramatic outburst.

Hurtful. I say. After going back and forth he is staying home for a month. I told him he could even help me with Lia cos some days I wont be able to be home or even pick her up at school so she would have to take the bus or car pull with friend or something like that.

 ~Mean while~

P.O.V. Lia

I'm Emma and that was my uncle. She says looking down and started playing with her hands. She was still shaking a bit. Wait wasn't it the Emma the girl that had to show me around the school!?  Yeah she is. That's not the point right now. The important thing right now is why her uncle like he wanted to kill her.

He was drunk. Is he always like that?  I ask her while getting a bit closer to her.  I'm a bit scare of what her answer could be, I think it will be a yes but i don't want it to be a yes. She slowly nods her her head still looking down. And I do the only thing I could think of. I hug her at first she flinch but the I felt her relax and she started to cry on my shoulder. I just hug her tighter. I look to the distance and you can practically see half of LA. Its a pretty day in the morning was raining but now the sun is shining the are some clouds in the sky but not much of them its pretty windy too. I know that if Caroline would have been here she would have love this place and would want it to be like our hiding place to get away from the problems of our life. We staid like that for a while me rubbing her back with my hand in circles while she cry. By now I have a wet circle on my shoulder because of her tears, don't care thought. I release her from the hug. I dry the couple of left tears that are on her cheeks with my thumb. I give her a reassuring smile.

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