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Maddie's Pov


I wake up to the beating sound of my alarm clock.  " ugh, I hate school." I get up and put my uniform on. I hate uniforms. then I go and put my hair into a French fishtail braid, then I put on eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara. I go downstairs, and I see my sister making breakfast. " hey Anna" "hey Maddie" I sat down and then I heard little footsteps coming down the stairs. "Maddie!" "Summer!" Summer is my younger cousin, and her mom died so Anna took her in. Summer sits down, and I get up and put my plate in the sink, and go upstairs to brush my teeth. " bye guys" I yell as I head to school. I get to school, and get my books. Math is first. Ugh I hate math. I get to math and I'm greeted by my best friends, Leovauna, Jennifer, and Esperanza. "Hey Maddie!" they all say in unison. "hey girls." I say back. "so, the gym is being cleaned so where are we gonna practice today" Jennifer asks. "um, how about the lawn." I say. I'm the captain of the dance team, I love it. We sit down at our tables, and at my table it's me, Esperanza, and these two boys named, Eli and Thomas. They're brothers. I feel bad for Jen and Leo (that's what I call Jennifer and Leovauna for short) they have to sit with these two dinguses named Max and Harvey. Ugh I hate them so much, and they hate me. After math, I leave and get ready for History. I have that with the dinguses. Then suddenly I hear my name being called. "Maddie" "Maddie" "Maddie" I turn around and see the dinguses calling me. "What do you two idiots want?" "we just wanted to see what class is next, and to annoy you" Max said. "we have History next." I said then after that I closed my locker and started walking to History. The idiots followed behind me doing whatever the do. We got to history and took our seats. "Alright students, you all have a project due about the War of 1812, and how it affected the U.S." our teacher was Mrs. Leopold. She was super pretty, and she had an amazing voice. "oh, and you all will be working in groups of three." When I heard that I started to think in my head 'oh go please please please don't put me with the twins.' I looked over and saw that Max and Harvey were probably thinking the same thing about me. "okay we have Jen, Eli, and Patrick. Um, Leo, Esperanza, and Emily." They all looked happy that they were in that group. "Tom, Kim, and Hanna. Blake, Shawn, and Luke. Finally, we have Max, Harvey, and Maddie." Those groups are final, and this is due in one week.


Hey guys, I started a new book, because I didn't like the other one, so. I hope you guys like this book more. I started to type on the computer, and it's much easier so I'll try to update this book more than the other one.

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