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It was my sister! But how? Why?
"Wait what? How? Why?" I asked confused and in tears.
"Oh you foolish brat!"
"What? Why are you saying this to me! What did I do to you?!" I screamed.
"Oh wait let me introduce myself. You may think I'm Anna, but I'm not I'm her twin, Bailey. God I've always hated my sister. Killing her wasn't enough. I have to kill the last thing that's like her. That's you. You're going to die and join you're sister who's rotting in hell." She said.
"Why? Why did you kill her?" I asked.
"You see my parents could only afford one child so they chose her. I was put in 15 different orphanages because of her. I was abused in each one. I hate her and I want every last price of her gone." She explained.
"I'm so sorry Aunt Bailey. I had no idea. I don't blame you for wanting to kill me. Quite frankly I would rather die than live." I told her. I'm playing the reverse psychology card on her. If she thinks I want to die she won't kill me.
"Oh I want to die I hate living so you would be helping me so much."
"Well that takes the fun out of it." She said.
"Sorry. Hey can I get you're number. I mean I'll probably never use it again but." I said. I have a plan I need on my phone for it.
"Um sure it's *** *** ****." She said once I put it in I said I was going to text her so she had my number. But really, I went on my safetreck app. You basically hold your finger on the button and if you're in trouble you let it go. Then it sends you're location to the police say you're in trouble.That's exactly what I did. Then I texted her.
"There you have my number."
"Ok thanks. You know maybe I'll keep you as my daughter."she said. She was being completely serious. I don't want a psychopath as my mom? And she reminds me of my sister. After five minutes I heard sirens.
"What? How? What did you do?!" She said screaming at me.
"I didn't do anything." I said.
"Oh ok." She said.
Then I saw the sirens. Hurry up police please. Right as I thought that all I felt was a sharp pain in my shoulder again and I'm my stomach. I look down and I see blood. I try to stay up and awake but I can't. The last thing I see is Bailey being taken away.

Leo's POV (hehe I switched it)

I was sitting on the couch with my family. We were all waiting for Maddie to come home since it's 2:10 in the morning. That's when the phone rang. I got up and I answered it.
"Yes, hello is this the Mills residence?" A lady asked.
"Um yes why?" I asked.
"Well Maddie Smith. She was shot this morning at 1:36. We need you to come to the hospital right away." She said. "Ok we'll be there soon."
I hung up and raced to the couch.
"Mum! Hurry. Maddie was shot this morning. She's in the hospital." I said.
"What?! Let's go everyone in the car now hurry!" She said frantically.
We all drove the off to the hospital. We got there in 10 minutes.

Harvey's POV
We rushed to the front desk.
"Hi um we're here for Maddie Smith." My dad said.
"Ah yes please follow me." The lady at the desk said. We followed her down a few halls until we came to a stop at room 387.
"This is her room. You can go in if you would like."
"Thank you." Mum said.
"Ok your dad and I will go in first." Mum told us.
"Ok." I said.
They went in and we waited for almost 30 minutes for them to come out.
"Ok boys you can go see her." Dad said.
We walked in and saw that she was strapped up to so many tubes. It was upsetting.
"Hey Maddie." I said.
"Um hi Harvey." She said as more of a question.
"How are you?" Max asked.
"Oh I'm just dandy! Other than the fact that i was SHOT!" She yelled.
"Sorry." He said.
After that we all sat in an awkward silence. Then the nurse came in.
"Ok, Maddie you're free to go just take it easy ok." She said.
"Ok thank you." Maddie's said getting up.
We all walked out and got in the car. Wow was today crazy!

Broken // Max and Harvey fanfic\\Where stories live. Discover now