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Maddie's POV
I woke up on my bed .wait how did I get here? I texted Eli asking him if he brought me home. A few minutes later he texted me saying yes, and that Max brought me up to my bed. I looked down but I wasn't in my dress. Did I change. No I couldn't have these aren't my clothes. Oh god they're Max's he changed me. Kill me now. I got up and to my surprise Max was up sitting on his bed playing on his phone.
"Hey Max." I whispered. He looked up and smiled.
"Hey Maddie sleep well?" He asked.
"Um ya but one question. Did you put me in these clothes?" I asked.
"Oh um ya I did I'm sorry." He said scratching his neck.
"It's ok just wake me up next time please."
I got up and I walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. Wow I looked cute. I put my hair up in a messy bun. I walked out and I went downstairs. I went to the kitchen and that's when it hit me. The smell of Max is on me now. I mean he smelt amazing don't get me wrong but still. I got me a bowl of cereal and I went to watch T.V. I put on Disney and Andi•Mack came on. (I'm currently obsessed with this show.) After I was done eating I put my bowl in the sink. I texted Jen to see if she wanted to come over. She replied right away saying sure. I waited for a little and then she just walked in.
"You do know you can't do that here." I said.
"I don't care. Wait why are you wearing guys clothes! Oh god are they Eli's?" She asked. Of course she new about my date with him.
"No they're Max's." I said quietly.
"Really why?"
"Because I fell asleep on my date, and Max put me in his clothes." I said.
"You know I totally ship you with Max." She told me.
"Even if I did want to date him. He won't date me I mean we were finally getting better with each other, but then he was talking to Harvey and he said he wasn't going to let me get close to him anymore. He doesn't want his walls to break." I said.
"Oh I'm sorry Mads. I know how much you like him. And how long you've liked him I mean you've liked him since you met him which was kindergarten. You're in 10th grade now. You were 5 now you're 16. It's hard I know. I mean I've liked Harvey since we met them. And I mean they're just so mean to you, that I don't want to date them and have to choose because I would choose you." She said.
"Ya I know but he has a girlfriend. He's happy with her, and I just need to put those feelings for Max aside." I said.
"Is that why you're going for Eli?"
"No when we did our duet I felt sparks. And when we kissed last night I felt fireworks, and so did he."
"I understand. Now let's watch a movie!" she said. We sat there watching movies until she had to go home. Then I decided to make a musical.ly. No one at school knew I had one exempt for the dance team. I decided to make one to Jealous by Labyrinth. I started it and it was going good until I heard
"Oh my god! You're a muser?" I turned my head and I saw Max and Harvey.
"Um ya."
"What's your name?" Harvey asked.
"I'm not going to tell you."
"Fine then we'll ask our fans." They went on musical.ly and made one saying that if they new of me and my account to comment my name. Within 5 minutes they found it.
"Ha gotta love our fans. So it's Maddie_Smith738." Max said. They clicked the follow button and I got the notification. I looked at their profile and saw they had 4M fans ha weak.
"Woah you have 10M fans!" They said.
"Um ya why?"
"How have we never heard of you. You have YouTube too?"
Oh god no.
"We're so subscribing."
"Fine I wouldn't though."
"Too late."
"Well I'm going to bed. It's all ready 10:00." I said getting up.
"Oh and Max."
"I'm stealing these clothes." I said walking up the stairs.
He yelled chasing me I got to the room and before I could shit the door he got in and locked it.
"Give me my clothes."
"No I want them they're comfy."
"Fine then I guess you left me no choice." He came up to me and he started tickling me.
"S-s-stop it m-m-Max!" I yelled laughing.
"Give me my clothes." He demanded.
"Never!" I yelled.
"Fine." He stopped tickling me and he helped me up. Once I was up I looked at him. His eyes are so pretty and easy to get lost in. We just stares at each other until I felt him kiss me. I didn't know what to do. I pulled away.
"I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking." He said.
"I should get to bed." I said.
He walked away and out of the room.
"Why did you say that Maddie huh?" I asked myself. I layer down on my bed and I fell asleep.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hey guys! So I have more chapters coming cause I'm stuck at the hair salon with my sister. It's very boring. But these chapters are written because of my boredom. So you can thank my bird one for more chapters.
I love you my Rockstars! 🎤

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