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"Here's what happened....."

Pauls POV
"She hit her head but she is fine she is ready to be released whenever you want, but we did notice there is a stab mark on her shoulder." The doctor said. "Thank you." I said. "Well thankfully she's ok." Tilly said. We went into her room and we filled out the release papers and we all left. I didn't want to bring up the stab Mark but I had to. "So Maddie l, the doctor noticed there was a stab Mark on your shoulder. Is your sister hurting you?" I asked. "What no why would you think that! You can ask Max oh wait no you can't because he didn't come that night I called him because someone was in my house and they stabbed me." Maddie said. "Max why didn't you help her?" Sara asked. "Because she's always tricking me and I thought it was a trick I should've gone over I'm sorry Maddie."Max said. "Whatever." She said. "Now, Maddie you can't do that again ok." I told her. "It wasn't my fault a fricking car came out of nowhere!" She screamed as we pulled into the driveway. "I was just saying." I said trying to calm her down. "I was just saying." She said mocking me as she got out of the car.

Maddie's POV
I can't believe they think that was my fault. Do they really think I wanted to be hit by a car. And I can't believe Max actually thought I was kidding. I went straight to my room and locked the door. I looked for some pain medicine. My shoulder is still killing me and I have dance practice tomorrow fun!

The Next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I sit up and turn it off, then I go into my closet and get this out.

 I sit up and turn it off, then I go into my closet and get this out

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I go into my bathroom and I shower and then change into my clothes. I brush my teeth and head downstairs. "Hey Maddie, sleep well?" Sara asked me. "Um ya thank you. How did you sleep?" I asked. "Great thank you." She said. After we were done talking I grabbed my backpack and I started walking to school. When I got to school as I walked in the door all I felt was a cold substance all bee my face and clothes. I looked down and I got slushied. The popular people do it to the losers. They basically get a slushy and throw it all on you. "Seriously! You asshat!" I screamed. Good thing I always bring a change of clothes. I went to the bathroom and changed into this.

I walked out and I went to Math class

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I walked out and I went to Math class. During math Mrs. Michael came in. "I'm sorry to interrupt but can I see Maddie Smith please?" She asked. All I heard was a lot ooo's and wow good girl is in trouble's. I stood up and packed my bag. I walked out with her and we walked to the office. "The principal would like to see you." "O-ok." I said nervous. I walked in and I was super nervous. What did I do? I've never been  in here before. "Ah Miss Smith, take a seat." I sat down in one of the chairs infront of his desk. "I bet you're wondering why you're here, right?" He asked. I just nodded. "Well, you know how your sister has been on a business trip?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, while she was on her way back here the plane she was on crashed. I'm sorry but your sister is dead. We will be looking for an other family members here or close friends. You may go back to class now." "T-thank you." I said standing up with tears forming in my eyes. I guess people already heard about the news because when I got to my locker people were swarming around it. As I walked to it all I heard was "I'm so sorry for your loss", or "it will get better." I just wanted them all to shut up. I got to my locker and the first people that catch me eyes are Jen and Esperanza. "Omg were so sorry I know you've probably heard that a lot." Esperanza said. "It's fine it means everything coming from you two." I said. "Well it's time for lunch you were in there a while. So let's go get some food." Jen said. I nodded and we walked to the cafeteria. When we got there, we got in line for food. We got our food and went to our table. We all sat down and when we did, all I heard from the dance team was "I'm so sorry." "Guys it's ok I'll get through it." I said. "We don't need to compete at na- "no we are going to compete at nationals." I said cutting off Eli. "Ok." He said. The rest of the day went by so fast. It was finally time for dance practice. "Hey guys." I said. "What's up girl!" Zach said. "Nothing." I replied. "Well let's get going!" He screamed. He's always been the most energetic person I know. We all started dancing and then all I felt was pain in my shoulder. "Ow." Is all I said before I looked down and saw blood on my shirt. "Omg Maddie are you ok!" James screamed. "Oh ya I'm fine. I just have a fresh cut there." I said. "Ok." He replied. We kept dancing until it was almost 10 pm. "Wow sorry guys I lost track of time." I said. "Oh no worries this just made us better." Mark said. "Ok well practice is over." I said. I waited till I was the last one and then I left. I got back to the Mills' house and I went up to our room. I opened the door not even realizing that Max and Harvey were in the room. I flipped down on the couch and I started crying. All the sudden I felt two hands on my shoulders. I turned and saw Max with one hand on one shoulder and Harvey with o e hand on the other. "What?" I asked annoyed. "We just wanted to see if you were ok?" Max asked. "Yes I'm fine I'm just tired and stressed." I sad before getting up to take a shower. I went into the bathroom and I hopped in the shower. Can I just say man did the warm water feel goo on my back. I got out and and changed into my pj's. I walked out and laid down on the couch. I just laid there until sleep fell over me.
Hey guys! So sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been busy with Volleyball camps, and I'm helping with summer camp! Woohoo! Note the sarcasm, but oh whale. I will update tonight or tomorrow idk, but tomorrow is the Fourth of July! Yay! 🎆🎇🎇🎆🎉🎉🇺🇸🇺🇸 I love you my Kings and Queens!


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