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After u hung up with my sister, I put my headphones on and started listening to Skillet. (I am obsessed with Skillet right now. You guys should go listen to them.) after about 30 minutes, we arrived at their house. I took my bags out of the car and I waited got Sara. "Hey Sara, where am I sleeping?" I asked. "Oh you will be sharing a room with my boys, they're about your age." "Um ok." I said. She told me which room was theirs and I went to it and I knocked on the door. "Come in!" I heard, do I walked in and I automatically hated everyone in the world. "Seriously I have to stay with you two!" I shouted. "Omg! Mom you didn't tell us she was the one staying with us!" They yelled at their mom. "Boys be nice! She is our guest and you will treat her like your sister." She told them. Ugh great I hate my room. Oh by the way I never told you who I was staying with. The two dipshits Max and Harvey, or as I like to call them asshat and fuckboy. (Sorry for the language) I put my stuff right at the door and walked out. "Hey Sara I'm going to go on a walk." I told her. "Ok that's fine but be back by seven for dinner ok." "Ok." After that I walked out the door and I didn't care where I was going anywhere was better than there.

Max's POV
ugh I can't believe my mom. She brings her here WITHOUT telling us! I guess while we're all at home, but when we're not around our parents that's over. "Max! Come here now!" My mom yelled at me. "Coming." I yelled back. I got off my bed and walked downstairs to find my mom in the kitchen waiting. "What's up?" I asked. "Oh I need you to go find Maddie, she's not answering her phone and it's dinner time." "Why can't harvey do it though?" I whined. "I already asked him he told me to have you do it, because you two are closer friends." She said. Ugh curse Harvey. "Fine I SHALL RETURN!" I yelled really loud. "Max no yelling in the house!" My mom said. After that I walked out of the house and I went to the park, because I always she her sitting there so. The park is about 2 minutes away from my house so I get there pretty quickly. "Ugh where is she!" I yelled really frustrated. "Where's who?" A little girl about Tilly's age asked me. "Oh just my friend I can't find her." I told her. "Can I see a picture and maybe I can help you. I've walked around this whole park all day." "Ok, thanks." I said. I showed her a picture of her that I pulled up on her Instagram and she looked at me and smiled. "I've seen her so many times!" She yells. "Ok where is she?" I asked. "Oh she's over there by the lake." She told me. "Ok thank you." I said then I went to go get her. As I got closer to her I heard crying. "I miss you mom, I'm sorry you died." Is all I heard from Maddie. For some reason my heart broke when I saw her crying. No stop it Max you hate her. "Hey." I said. She turned around and quickly wiped her eyes. "Oh um hey. What are you doing her?" She asked. "Oh it's dinner time and you weren't answering your phone." "Oh sorry it died on me." She said. Her eyes were so red and puffy. It hurt me to see her this vulnerable. "We should get going." I said. "Ya lets go." She said. We left the park and after a few minutes we got home. "Mom we're home." I said letting her know that we're back. "Ok that's great go wash up both of you." She told us. "Ok." We both said at the same time. I went upstairs into the bathroom in my room, and Maddie washed her hands downstairs. I walk downstairs and it smells amazing. "What's for dinner mom it smells amazing." I told her. "Oh I made Chicken Parmesan." She said. "Ok." I replied. Soon everyone came in exempt for Maddie. I'm kind worried about her. I mean I've never seen so much sadness in her eyes. "I'll be right back mom." "Ok but be quick." I went upstairs and I heard soft sniffles coming from our room. I walk up to the door and it's cracked open just a little. I look in and see Maddie on the floor crying. "Hey, you ok?" I ask. She immediately sat strait up and wiped her eyes. "Um ya I'm ok." She said. Her voice cracked so many times when she said that. She not fine. I went to her and I sat next to her. "What's that?" I asked. "Oh it's nothing." "Obviously it is." "No it's not Max." She said getting mad. "Ok." I don't know what I was thinking but I hugged her. It wasn't a weird hug it was warm. No Max stop you don't like her. Or do I? No I don't. I let go of her and I quickly ran out of the room down to the table. She came down a few minutes after me. She sat down at the table then we all grabbed each others hands. My mom started the prayer and everyone else joined in. (I'm sorry if you guys don't like this part, but I do because I am a Christian and I wanted to put something like that in my book. I won't make this a full on book about Jesus, but I just wanted this in.) After we were done praying we all started eating. It tasted amazing. "So Maddie tell us about yourself." My mom said. "Oh well I like to cook, draw, and that's it's." "Oh is that all?" My mom asked. Maddie looked like she wanted to say more but she didn't. "Um ya that's all." She replied. "Ok Maddie we know there's more about you." My mom said. "Ok fine I like to sing, play Volleyball, basketball, football (soccer), I do gymnastics, swim, and I'm the captain of our schools Varsity Dance team." She said telling everything about her. "Oh wow you do a lot!" My mom said surprised. "Oh ya I do." Maddie said. "Well where do your parents live?" Oh no this was a bad topic. I look over at Harvey and he has a scared look on his face. We never told our parents that her parents are dead. We probably should have. We look at Maddie who looks like she's about to cry. "U-um m-m-my p-p-parents a-a-are d-d-d-dead. She says. "Oh I'm so sorry we had no idea." My mom says apologetic. "It's fine." She says with tear brimming in her eyes. "Can I go?" Maddie asks. "Yes." My mom says. Maddie got up, put her plate in the sink, then she walked out the front door.

Maddie's POV
I was too upset to think right now. I wanted to go to the park and just cry in my usual spot. I started walking there and then all the sudden something bright was right infront of me. Then next thing I know I was on the ground and I blacked out.

Sara's POV (you didn't see that coming)
It's been almost 2 hours since Maddie left. I have no idea where she is in going to go look for her. "Paul I'll be right back watch the kids for me." I said. "Ok be safe." "Ok." With that I went outside and I started to walk up the street. Once I got to the next block I saw a person in the middle of the road. I immediately rushed to help that person. As I got closer I thought I realized who it was. "Omg no! No!" I screamed. It was who I thought it was. It was Maddie. She was so pale and she was barely breathing. I quickly called Paul, and told him to hurry and come. After about 5 minutes he arrived with everyone. They all got out of the car and they rushed over. "What happened?" Paul asked. "I don't know I went to look for her and I saw a person in the street. I got closer and it was her. We have to get her to a hospital asap." I said starting to cry and panic. "Ok let's get her in the car." Paul told me. We were all in the car and we didn't have enough room so Maddie is laying across Max and Harvey. "Oh I hope she's going to be ok." I said worried. "Mom she'll be ok she's tuff." Max and Harvey reassured me. "Ok." After about thirty minutes we got to the hospital. We rushed in and told the lady at the desk what happened. "Ok a doctor will be with you shortly. Not even a minute after she said that a nurse came busting through the door. "Where is the girl." "Right here ma'an." I said. "Ok I need you to put her on the stretcher and stay here." She told us. "Ok." I replied. They took her away the through the doors, and we waited for about 3 hours until the nurse came out. "Maddie." She called out and all of us stood up. "That would be us." I said. "Well here's what happened........

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cliffhanger! Any ways I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while a lot has been happening in my life. My best friend was just told she needs to have a life or death surgery, my cousin was diagnosed with cancer, and my parents are mad at me cause they think I'm depressed. So ya I will update later but aren't you proud of me this was a long chapter.
Love you my Kings and Queens. 💜💜💜😘😘😘


Word count: 1696 words. Aren't you proud now?

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