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Time jump one year

Harvey's POV
Today is the day our plan is finished. It's Max and Maddie's one year anniversary and Max is going to be kissing someone when Maddie meets him at the beach. It's going to be a genius plan.

Maddie's POV
Today was mine and Max's one year anniversary. I'm so exited. I got him a new guitar he's been talking about for months, I also got him this strap that he wanted. I was in my room getting ready and I put this on.

Max said to meet him at the beach so I was getting ready to leave now

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Max said to meet him at the beach so I was getting ready to leave now. It was already 7:30. I got his gift and I headed to the beach. I got there and it was 7:50. He told me to meet him where we had our first date so I went there. As I was walking I saw two people. As I got closer, I saw it was Max kissing another girl. I ran up to him and I slapped him. I already had tears coming down my face.
"I trusted you Max! How could you?!"
"Oh I'm sorry I just don't feel a spark anymore, and I was just using you. I never loved you." He said. At this point I was speechless.
"Well I was going to give you these but you don't need them so I'll keep them." I said walking away. I should've known this would happen that why I never let my guard down. He almost broke me but I didn't let it happen. I walked home and I ran up to my room. I layers down on my bed and I cried my eyes out.

Harvey's POV I heard someone come in and run upstairs, I'm guessing that was Maddie. I went upstairs and heard someone crying, it want even a normal cry, it sounded like they just lost everything in life, and they wanted to die. Oh god it was Maddie. Our plan worked but why did I feel so guilty. I walked in and I saw her sobbing on her bed.
"Maddie? You ok?" I asked.
"Leave me alone don't ever come near me you or Max I never want anything to do with you guys ever again!" She yelled. I walked out and went to my room. We screwed up.

Max's POV
"Thanks babe. You were great. Sorry we had to wait so long for this." I said to my girlfriend.
"No problem. I've never really like her anyways." She said laughing.
"I know right." I said laughing along.
"Well I have to go talk to Harvey." I said.
"Ok bye love you!" She said kissing me.
"Love you too." I said walking to my car. I got in and drove home. I walked in and went upstairs. I heard loud crying and I automatically knew who it was. Maddie. I walked to her room and looked in. I saw her curled up crying on her bed. He blankets and pillows were soaked. I felt so bad. I broke her. I walked into mine and Harvey's room and plopped down on my bed.
"We messed up big time Harvs." I said.
"Ya I know I feel so bad." He said.
"We need to fix this."
I said.

Maddie's POV
You know what. I don't want to live anymore. I walked to by closet and I got a belt. I tied it around my neck and I hung the loose end up on the ceiling. I stood on a chair, and then the last thing I said before everything went black was
"Goodbye world."

Harvey's POV
"Goodbye world." We heard.
We both looked at each other and our eyes for wide. We ran to Maddie's room and it was horrible. We saw her hanging from the ceiling. We rushed over and got her down.
"Check her pulse." I said to Max.

Max's POV
I did as Harvey said. I checked her pulse.
"She's still alive. Thank god." I said.
"Good. Let's get her to a hospital." He said.
We picked her up and carried her to my car. We got in and drove off.

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