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Maddie's POV
"Ow!" Is all I said when I woke up on the floor of my kitchen. My shoulder really hurts. Oh that's right because I got stabbed in the shoulder last night. Oh and Max never came. I thought he liked me I guess he was playing with my feelings. "Wait I have school! Shit, I'm going to be late."  I looked at the time and it was 6:50 am I have to be to school by 7:10 am. I have approximately 20 minutes to get ready and walk to school. I get up and go to my room to get into my uniform. After I'm changed I go into the bathroom and I put on my makeup which consists of eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and my rose gold highlight. I look at the time  and it's 7:00. I quickly get my bag together and I walk out the door. I start to walk fast when I see Max and Harvey walk out of their house. I heard them calling for me but I ran. I got to school just before it turned 7:10.  I walked in and I went to my locker and grabbed my Math book and went to Math.

Skip till lunch cause nothing happens

"Hey Mads, what's up?" Eli said. Eli and Thomas are also some of my best friends. "Nothing, what's up with you?" I asked him. "Nothing I'm just tired I was up late doing the stupid history project." "Wait are you doing it all by yourself?" I asked. "Oh dear lords no! We split the project up into three parts." "Ok good. I don't want you to do all the work remember what happened last time you did." I said. "Yes I remember please don't remind me." He said sounding upset. "Hey wanna sit with us today at lunch?" I asked Eli. "Sure can Thom Thom come?" Sometimes we call Thomas Thom Thom. It's pronounced like Tom Tom. "Sure! You guys are always welcome to sit with us whenever" I told him. "Thanks I'll go get him." He said all happy. Why is he so happy? I mean he's always happy but he seemed happier when I asked him to sit with us. He's never been that happy when I asked him to sit with us. Huh. I walk over to the dance team table and I see Jen, Leo, Esperanza, Katie, Maya, Bella, Aria, Lilly, and Jess. They all saw me and they smiled. "Hey guys how are you?" I asked them all. We're good, now tell us are you and Eli a thing, cause we saw you talking with him and he seemed really really happy." Said Katie. "No we're not a thing I just asked him if he wanted to sit with us and he said sure. He's just going to get Thomas." I replied. "Oh ok." Then Eli and Thomas came and sat down. "Hey Thom Thom, was up?" I asked. "Nothing much you?" "Nothing much." I replied. The rest of the lunch consisted of the girls talking about dance moves and the boys asking what certain dance moves were.

Skip to after school cause I'm lazy

Yes! It's finally time for dance practice. I love dance practice it's so much fun. I started to head to the lawn after I changed and can I say I think my outfit was super cute today. I get to the lawn to see that the girls are there already. "Ok guys lets go ahead and start with any dance we only have two weeks till nationals, and we have to do good." I told the team. "We also need to figure out who's going to be in what dance." I said. Then Katie spoke "Well, I vote that Maddie is the lead in every dance because she's the captain" "Wait I can't do that it's not fair." I replied. "Fine Ezperanza will be in the duo, you will be in the contemporary, group, trio, and you'll have a solo." Jess said. "Fine." Is all I said then we all got into formation. This is what the trio looks like. ⬇️

I'm the girl on the right. This is just one one the dances we have this the trio that involves me, Jess, and Mark.
The next dance after that was the duo.

This is the duo and can I just say Esperanza and James did amazing. Next we did the contemporary dance which was all girls. (I'm not going to put that in yet, same with the group dance you'll see them later.) after we were done with practice we all went to change I stayed and worked on my solo some more. After I was done I went to go to the locker rooms but I heard people in the gym. I walked in and saw Thomas, Eli, Mark, and the two dipshits. Oh I mean Max and Harvey. I didn't want them to notice me so I tried to walk out silently so much for that. "Oh hey Maddie what are you doing?" Asked Mark. "Oh I didn't know who was in here and I was looking. Now I have to go bye!" I said the last part very quickly. "Oh wait why don't you play with us?" Asked Eli. "Oh um I'm really tired so I'm going to go bye." Is all I said before I ran out of the gym faster than you can say piña colada. I grabbed my bags and I walked home. As soon as I walked through the door I heard my sister say"oh Maddie your home. I have some news for you. I'm going on a business trip for a few months, and you'll be staying with one of my close friends. So go pack your bags they should be here in about an hour. Oh they also have two kids you're age." She told me. "Ok so let me get this strait I'm staying with someone I don't even know for god knows how long and I have to be ready in an hour?" I said a little angry. "Ok Maddie calm down its just for 6 months I'll be back before you know it." She said. I just went upstairs and took a shower. After I got out of the shower and got dressed I started to pack. I packed two suitcases of clothes, one suitcase for shoes, and a small bag for makeup. I have a lot of stuff. After I'm done packing I put my hair up in a messy bun and it looked pretty cute. It was too late for makeup so I didn't put any on. As I was coming down the stairs the doorbell rang. "Can you get it Anna I'm busy." I said. "Sure." She went to the door then all I hear dead a deafening squeal. "Omg I haven't seen you in forever Sara!" "Same with you Anna you look amazing!" The woman said. "Me! Look at you!" My aunt said. "Ok can we just get going?" I asked annoyed. "Ah you must be Maddie." The lady said. "I'm Sara, and you'll meet the rest of my family later lets go!" She said overly happy. "Ok bye Anna love you!" I said. As we got in the car and drove off I remembered something. Where. Is. Summer. I called my aunt to see where se was.

A-hey what's up?
M-where's summer going to be?
A-oh she's staying with a different friend.
M-ok bye
A-bye love you
After that I hung up.
This. Is. Going. To. Be. So. Much. Fun. Note the sarcasm.

Here's another update. I would have had it out sooner but I had to edit things and I was out with some friends all day, but in later chapters I might use some of the same videos I used here in this chapter for the actual competition chapter. I put these in as an example so ya.

Word count: 1350 words.
Aren't you proud over 1,000 words!

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