Chapter 4

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Kendrick called me and told me he felt really bad about what happened. He asked me to come over to his house and I agreed but only 'cause I needed to make it clear that he needs to leave me alone.

I stood on his front porch rocking back and forth on my heels waiting for him to answer. When he did, a smile spread across his face as if everything between us was alright.

"Hey baby."

"I'm not your baby."

He moved to the side to let me in, I brushed pass him and sat on one end of the couch and he sat on the other.

"You wanted me to come here so we could talk, but I don't have anything to say, so I'm listening."

"I just wanted to apologize for what happened the other day. I-"

"Apology not excepted. Was that all?"

"Damn stop being such a mean. I'm really really sorry...I know lately my behavior lately has been unacceptable but it's only 'cause I love you and I want you back. I know I might not be able to buy you cars or big houses like he can, but I'm always gonna be there for you and-"

"I don't love Abel 'cause he can buy me stuff." I rolled my eyes. "And he's always there for me."

"No he's not. He leaves you for months to travel around the world and fuck other bitches. I won't do that. I can be there for you and love you and the twins, twenty-four, seven."

"Traveling is part of his job and Im not gonna hold that against him and so what he hangs put with groupies? Most celebrities do and that doesn't mean he's fucking them."

"Really? Then whats up with them pictures of him that red head then?"

"What are you talking about?"

He took his phone out and tapped around on his screen before handing it to me.

It was a TMZ article that read:

The Weeknd and his new boo?!

I scrolled down and there was a picture of Abel hugged up with some girl and then there was another picture of them clearly kissing.

I was pissed but I couldn't let it show 'cause Kendrick was right there. I shrugged it off and handed him his phone back.

"Okay, he kissed a girl so what?"

"If he really loved you he wouldn't do shit like that. I wouldn't do that. I love you, probably more than he claims he does. When I was with you it was the best time of my life and I'd do anything to get you back."

"I'm sorry but I don't love you...I never have."

"When we were together, you didn't love me?"

"No...I thought I did but..what I felt for you was nothing compared to how I feel about Abel."

"Alright fine. But...can we at least still be friends?"

"Any chances you had of being my friend diminished after you put your hands on me and hurt me."

"I hurt you? You hurt me! I been sitting around for six damn months hoping you'd leave his dumbass and what do you do? You fucking marry him!"

"Kendrick this is getting pathetic! Just move on already! You sitting around complaining, being jealous and stalking me is not gonna make me love you! It's gonna make me get a fucking restraining order!"

"You know what? Fuck you then, I was just trying to love you and shit but if you wanna stay with him fine. I hope he breaks your fucking heart again."

I huffed as I got up and left without another word.

Once I was in my car and pulled off I decided to call Abel. I dialed his number and angrily tapped my finger on the steering wheel while waiting for him to pick up.

"Hey baby. I was just thinking of you."

"Aaw really? I was just thinking about you and how I'm gonna rip your fucking head off when I see you!"

"Why? What did I do now?"

"I saw those pictures of you and that ugly ass red head bitch! You kissed her Abel! I can deal with the groupies, I can deal with you partying and taking pictures with them but kissing them? Fuck that!"

"Baby I'm sorry. I promise nothing else happened, it was just a kiss and I was drunk. I barely remember it."

"It was just a kiss." I mocked him. "Now it's just a kiss but next time you'll be so fucked up you'll 'accidentally' fuck her or let her give you head! Just like that hoe in Vegas!"

He was silent for a second before I heard him sigh.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"Yes it will! You always say that and guess what? It happens again and my dumbass forgives you!"

"No, I'm serious-"

"Bye Abel."

"Wait, I-"


I angrily hung up before he could finish and tossed my phone into the passenger seat. I don't know why he was such a fuck up but I was really getting tired of it...

I know I took forever and a half to update and this part is short so I'm sorry 😭 Im working on the next part now and it should be done in a few days 😊

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