Chapter 35

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I stood on the doorstep to my mom's condo, waiting for her to come and answer the door.

I rang her doorbell for the second time and a few seconds later she finally answered.

"Ooh Abel! I didn't know you were coming."

"Yeah, I thought I'd surprise you."

"That was thoughtful of you honey but um...right now isn't a very good time."

"What? Why not?"

"Because...I'm cleaning."

"I can help you."


I heard a male voice from the other side of the door. "Samra, is everything okay?"

"Who's that?"

"Um...your father."

"Really? Why is he here?!"

"Abel calm down, why don't you come in so we can talk about it?"

She stepped to the side to let me in.

I followed her into the dining room where Makkonen was sitting, eating red lentil stew and injera.

"Hello son."

I ignored him. "What's going on here?"

"Your mother and I have been talking a lot recently and she's made me realize how bad I messed up and how much I still love her."

"But aren't you married?"

"My wife and I are separated."

"So what is this? Are you trying to get back together with my mother?"

"Yes, I am. I want to be with her Abel. I'm even thinking about moving back to Toronto and bringing your siblings."

I just stared back and forth between the both of them. Was he actually serious? And was she really gonna take him back?

"Can I talk to you in the kitchen mama?"

She nodded and walked into the kitchen with me trailing behind her.

"Mom what is going on? Please don't tell me you're going to get back with him. He doesn't deserve you."

"I know he's messed up before but I love him. I'm willing to at least try to be with him again."

"You know when he came to see me a few weeks ago he asked for money? Now he's here trying to make amends with you, doesn't that seem kind of sketchy?"

"Sketchy how? I don't have any money."

"You have ties to all my money mama. You know my bank account and card numbers and I'm sure he knows that. He's gonna try to use you."

She just looked at me, sadness clouding her eyes. It was clear she didn't know what to say. She really loved this man, even after all he put her through, she still wanted him back.

Seeing her in such a vulnerable state made me sad, she didn't deserve to be in distress over such a piece of shit.

I gave her a hug as I wondered, is this what I make Camille feel like? Is this the conversation she always has with her friends?

"Well mama, if you want to be with him then I can't stop you, but just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."

She nodded as a small smile spread across her lips. "What are you doing back here in Toronto?"

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