Chapter 28

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Devin and Izaiah ^^^
My two older brothers, Devin and Izaiah, were on their way to the house, so I was getting dressed but everything I was putting on didn't fit right.

I grabbed another pair of shorts from my closet, put them on and tried to button them but they wouldn't.

Abel sat on the bed watching me with an amused look on his face. "Aaw your belly is in the way."

"Shut up." I glared at him and he laughed. "It's not funny."

I kept trying to button them for five more minutes before giving up and just putting a skirt on.

"Looks like it's time for you to go shopping for some new clothes."

"Nuh uh. Those shorts have always been too small."

"Alright, if-"

I heard the door bell ring and ran downstairs to answer the door.

When I opened the door, there were my two older brothers and my dad standing on the doorstep.

"Munchkin!" My brothers pulled me into a huge hug. "We missed you!"

"I missed you guys too!"

The last time I saw them was in January when Abel and I told them we got married.

They let me go and stepped back so I could greet my dad.

"Hi princess!"

I hugged him tightly. "Hi dad."

"Where's everyone at?"

"Abel is upstairs getting dressed and the twins are outside in the pool with mom."

"Does your mother live here with you guys?"

"Kind of." I shrugged. "Do you guys wanna go outside?"

"We wanna talk to you first."

"Oh god, about what?" I took them into the dining room and we sat down at the table together. "What is it?"

"We just wanna talk about the baby."

"What about her?"

My dad started first. "Are you ready for another child?"

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

" 'Cause with the twins you seemed so stressed and-"

"Well I was raising them mostly by myself for three years. So yeah it was a lot of stress but I was always happy. Nothing makes me happier than being their mom, I can only imagine how I'll be when the baby gets here."

"You really enjoy this parenthood shit?" Devin asked with a confused look on his face.

Devin is a hoe and vowed to never get married or have kids 'cause they'd ruin his fun so my enjoyment of having kids really confused him.

"I do enjoy it."

"Does Abel?"

"Yeah. He has so much fun with Ava and AJ and he just likes seeing them happy."

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