Chapter 21

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I was at the studio busy writing and working on getting things ready for the next part of my tour when Hawk, Hyghly and Lamar came to try and get me to go out. They've been trying to get me to go to the club all week but I've been brushing them off 'cause I've had other things to do.

"Abel!" Hyghly snatched my notepad from in front of me. "You're going out tonight!"

"Nigga give me my damn notebook back."

"Nah, you gotta show out with us tonight." Hawk said as he grabbed my jacket and tossed it to me.

"I just finished tour and all we did was party the whole time. I just wanna chill for a little bit."

Hawk rolled his eyes. "You probably just wanna go home to Camille."

"So what if I do?"

"Why don't you just ask Cami to come with us?" Lamar asked.

"She can't go."

"Why not?"

It had almost a week since Cami told me she was pregnant and I still hadn't told the guys 'cause I knew they were gonna say some stupid shit and I was right.

" 'Cause..." I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket, took the ultrasound picture out of it and laid it on the table in front me. "She's pregnant."

They all exclaimed. "What?!"

"Yeah, she's like nine weeks."

"Damn, your pull out game weak as fuck." Hawk laughed. "You get outta one baby situation and fall into another."

"There's no situation. I know Cami's baby is mine."

"Y'all barely saw each other for like what? Four months? And you get off tour and she's pregnant? That baby ain't yours."

"Right before we stopped talking she came and saw me in DC, remember you interrupted us in the bathroom asshole?"

"That don't mean that baby is yours." He grabbed the ultrasound picture and stared at it for a few seconds. "This don't even look like you."

"Nigga you can't even see their face yet so how the fuck do you know that?"

"I can just tell." He shrugged. "You're gonna need another DNA test."

"Are you for real right now? You think she would cheat on me?"

"Yeah, didn't you say she was fucking with a nigga named Jordan?"

"Jordan is a girl, her being with another girl doesn't really bother me."

"Have you met Jordan?"


"Then I bet it's another nigga."

I knew damn well Cami wouldn't cheat on me but just him insinuating that she would, and that the baby wasn't mine, was enough to piss me the fuck off.

"Hawk you need to shut up before you really piss me off."

"Shit, don't get mad at me 'cause your girl is out here getting knocked up by other niggas."

"Shut the fuck up!" I hopped up from where I was sitting, ready to beat his ass, but Lamar and Hyghly stood in between us. "Get the fuck out my studio! Now!"

"Whatever." He shrugged as he started to walk away. "Y'all hit me up when you're done dealing with his emotional ass."

He left and I plopped back down on the couch.

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