Chapter 25

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After everything Abel said to Makkonen, he still didn't understand that he wasnt wanted in his life. For almost a week he just kept calling and texting Abel, begging him to talk to him...and still asking for the money.

Abel, Ava, AJ, my mom, Lamar, Hyghly, Cash, Belly and I were going to Florida now. We were all waiting outside the jet until we could board.

Ava and AJ were running around playing tag with Hyghly and Lamar, Belly was talking to my mom, Cash wasn't there yet and Abel was leaned against a car staring at his phone with a frown on his face.

"Cheer up baby." I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Please."

"I'm trying but-" His phone went off again and he sighed heavily. "I don't know if I should reply to him or not."

I took his phone from his hand and there were five text messages from his father.

🙄: Abel please hear me out

🙄: I do want to mend our relationship and I'm sorry if asking for the money hurt your feelings but I need it

🙄: Your brother needs it

🙄: You should want to help your family out.

🙄: Respond to me when you have time so we can talk about this

I let out an exasperated sigh as I started to reply. He had hurt Abel enough and I refused to let him do it anymore.

Abel: Hi Makkonen, this is Camille. You need to leave Abel alone. You claim you want a relationship with him but you're not even trying. All you're doing is trying to guilt him into giving you money for your son. Your son that got to have you in his life, and that you raised while Abel and his mother struggled. Don't you think that's a little fucked up? Plus he doesn't have to do shit for you or your children 'cause he doesn't know them and he barely knows you. He's happy with the family he has and the life he's living now and he doesn't need someone toxic like you bringing him down. So from now on, I'm gonna need for you to leave him alone.

🙄: So be it.

With a reply like that, it seemed as though he didn't care at all so I just blocked his number.

"There." I tucked his phone into his pocket. "You don't have to worry about him anymore. Now, will you smile for me?"

"Gimme a kiss and I will."

I kissed him and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.

He smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The stewardess finally came off the jet and told us we could board.

"I wanna sit next to uncle Hy!" AJ shouted as he ran to the jet.

Ava ran after him. "I wanna sit next to uncle Lammy!"

Abel and I got on last and sat next to each other by the window. Ava was sitting next to a window with Lamar next to her, AJ and Hyghly were sitting across from them, and my mom and Belly were sitting next to each other still talking about who knows what.

"Mommy, where are we goin?" Ava asked as she peaked over her seat at me. "Are we going back to see grandma Samra?"

"No, where we're going is a surprise!"

"Aaw! Fine." She pouted and sat back down in her seat.

Her and AJ really wanted to go to Disney World and that's where we were headed now but they had no idea.

Belly announced to all of us. "We can go as soon as Cash gets here."

"Why the hell is he so late?" Abel asked. "He's usually here first."

"I don't know. He's probably hung over or something."

Probably another ten minutes or so went by before Cash stepped on to the plane with a short light skin girl following behind him.

"Sorry I'm so late guys." He realized we were all waiting for him to introduce the girl that was next to him. "Y'all this is my new assistant Lexi, Lexi this is mostly everyone."

She smiled and waved to everyone

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She smiled and waved to everyone. "I just wanna let you guys know that I am Cash's assistant but if you guys need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

When she was talking her eyes were locked on Abel so it seemed like she was mostly talking to him. I looked at him and noticed that he was staring right back at her.

I huffed and punched his arm.

"What was that for?"

"You were staring at her."

"No I wasn't. She was talking so I was giving her my attention."

"You were giving her too much attention."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Aaw baby." He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. "I wasn't looking at her like that, I've only got eyes for you."

He kissed my cheek and I laid down on his shoulder.

Maybe I was overreacting 'cause of my hormones or something but I didn't like the way they looked at each other, and I was gonna have to keep an eye on her now.

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